Common traits bind Jews and
By Spengler
Asia Times, Jan. 10, 2014
The Chinese are connoisseurs of civilization. For thousands of years they have
absorbed ethnicities into their own culture, eliminating on occasion tribes that
proved too troublesome. They have watched other civilizations come and go; they
have seen their younger neighbors adopt parts of their culture and then try to
assert their superiority, and ultimately fail. They are the last people on earth
to accept the liberal Western dogma that every culture is valid within its own
terms of reference, for they have seen too many civilizations fail of their own
There is no greater compliment to any culture than to be
by Chinese, who with some justification regard their civilization
as the world's most ancient and, in the long run, most successful. The high
regard that the Chinese have for Jews should be a source of pride to the latter.
In fact, it is very pleasant indeed for a Jew to spend time in China. The sad
history of Jew-hatred has left scars on every European nation, but it is
entirely absent in the world's largest country. on the contrary, to the extent
that Chinese people know something of the Jews, their response to us is
instinctively sympathetic.
"I am always surprised by the expressions of
affection that the Chinese show for the Jews. Both cultures, the Chinese
emphasize, share respect for family, learning and, yes, money," wrote the
journalist Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore last year. '"Most Chinese will think Jews
are smart, clever or good at making money, and that they have achieved a great
deal,' Professor Xu Xin, director of the Institute of Jewish Studies at Nanjing
University (one of over half a dozen centers in China dedicated to studying
Judaism) told me last week," she wrote. "This logic - that the Jews are admired
for their success despite their small numbers and historical oppression - has
also led to a burgeoning industry of self-help books that use Jewish culture and
the Talmud to preach business tips."
Family, learning, respect for
tradition, business acumen: these are Jewish traits that the Chinese also
consider to be their virtues. All this is true as far as it goes. one might also
mention that China never has had reason to view the Jews as competitors for
Christianity began as a Jewish sect and has vacillated
between the claim that is has superseded Judaism and the view that it is a
daughter religion that should honor its parent. Islam claims that Jews and
Christians falsified the revelations given to them and that their scriptures are
a perversion of God's true message, which Mohammed restored to its original
integrity. But by no stretch of the imagination could China view the Jews as a
threat to the legitimacy of its civilization.
The Chinese, in short have
no reasons to dislike or fear the Jews, and a number of reasons to admire them
simply because Jews display traits that Chinese admire among themselves. A Jew
visiting China, though, senses an affinity with Chinese people, more than can be
explained by the commonality of traits. There is a common attitude towards life,
and especially toward adversity.
A Chinese friend explained it to me
this way: If you suffer a setback, even if through no fault of your own, and
even if through the malicious acts of malevolent people, you must not feel sorry
for yourself or blame others for your troubles. It is you who must take
responsibility for overcoming them. You are required to redouble your efforts
and work all the harder. Perseverance in the face of adversity is something Jews
understand very well. Through two millennia of exile in the West, Jews
maintained an autonomous high culture while succeeding at the highest level
within Western culture, often despite persecution.
Civilizations fail
when they become despondent, when they lose confidence in their history and
their future, when their citizens cease to feel pride in and draw inspiration
from their culture. Somehow, for thousands of years, Jews and Chinese kept their
confidence in their civilization and preserved it through war and foreign
conquest. Surely that helps explain their present success. The confidence to
redouble one's efforts in the face of adversity, even malevolence, cannot be
explained by simple stubbornness. The grit required to excel even when the game
is rigged against you is not only a cultural trait, but the trait of a culture,
that is, a personal characteristic that draws on a culture's self-confidence.
It may seem odd to compare the largest of peoples with one of the
world's smallest, but Chinese and Jews have something in common that helps
explain their success and longevity. That is the ability to rise above ethnic
Tribal warfare is the bane of human society. During the
40,000 years before the dawn of civilization, some anthropologists estimate,
two-fifths of males who survived infancy died in warfare. The great empires of
the Near East and the West failed because they enslaved the peoples they
conquered rather than integrate them. European Christianity offered a
compromise: the ethnicities that occupied Europe after the collapse of the Roman
Empire would join a universal Church in the spirit, but keep their ethnic nature
in the flesh. Ultimately the flesh overwhelmed the spirit, and ethnocentric
nationalism provoked the terrible wars of the 20th century.
civilization offered a different model: it integrated innumerable ethnic
minorities into a unified culture centered on a written language and literary
tradition, and offered the opportunity for advancement to everyone who came
under the umbrella of this culture. Unlike Rome, it did not enslave subject
populations to work giant estates, but emphasized the extended family as the
fundamental unit of society.
Unlike Christianity, where the unifying
language of Europe (Latin) was understood by a tiny elite, Chinese culture
propagated a unifying written language. Literacy in ancient China was extremely
high in comparison to the ancient and medieval West, between 20% and 30% by most
estimates. China still has 55 ethnic minorities and a wide variety of spoken
languages. The only people with a higher literacy rate in the ancient world were
the Jews, who began a program of compulsory universal education during the 1st
century BCE.
What distinguishes Israel from all the other peoples of the
ancient world west of the Indus River? Uniquely, the ancient Hebrews believed
that their nation was defined not by ethnicity and geographic origin but rather
by a code of practice given by divine mandate.
Jewish Scripture
describes the founding father of the Jewish people, Abraham, as a wandering
Babylonian summoned by the single Creator God to leave his homeland and come to
a land-the present-day Israel-where his descendants would multiply and endure
forever. The generation of his great-grandchildren migrated to Egypt, and their
descendants were enslaved. God's intervention freed the Hebrews from slavery,
and gave them the Torah ("teachings") at Mount Sinai, instructing them to
conquer the future Land of Israel.
The Jews are not an ethnicity but a
people defined by a partnership with the Creator God, in which they are
obligated to recognize God's presence in the details of their daily lives, and
empowered to help in the work of creation. Individuals of all races can be
adopted into this nation by accepting its responsibilities; in today's State of
Israel one sees hundreds of thousands of black African Jews from Ethiopia, as
well as Jews of all ethnicities.
The Jews are not an ethnic nation but a
multi-racial family. The Jews were the first people to apply the same laws to
the foreigner as to the home-born. Indeed, they are commanded to love the
stranger in the same way that the love themselves, because they were strangers
in Egypt. It is a particular nation-indeed, a "nation apart"-that nonetheless
has a universal purpose for all of humanity. The Jews are "the paragon and
exemplar of a nation," the German-Jewish theologian Franz Rosenzweig wrote a
century ago.
The proof that Jewish nationhood has a universal mission is
the founding of the United States of America-the most successful nation in
history-by radical Protestants who sought to walk in the footsteps of ancient
Israel and drew inspiration from the Jewish Bible and later Jewish commentators.
What the Jews have in common with the Chinese, therefore, is a sense of
loyalty to an ancient tradition that defines the obligations of each member of
society and puts the family at the center of social life, as opposed to a mere
tribal and ethnic loyalties. These are parallel ways of rising above tribalism.
There is an enormous distinction, to be sure: the Jews believe that they
were summoned into national existence by the one God, the Maker of Heaven, for
whom the universe is like a suit of clothes which he will replace when it wears
out (Psalm 92). For that reason they are obligated to bring the presence of God
into everyday life, through laws of diet and family purity, prayer, and Sabbath
The religious life of ancient Israel was centered in the
Temple at Jerusalem. It was an institution revered in the ancient world. As Dore
Gold writes:
The Temple service reflected the universalistic role envisioned for Jerusalem. In dedicating the Temple, King Solomon said that prayers would be offered there by "a foreigner who is not of your people Israel, but rather comes from a distant land." In Isaiah, God described the Temple as "a house of prayer for all peoples" ... sacrifices were regularly offered to promote peace for the entire world. ... According to biblical law, non-Jews were in fact permitted to offer sacrifices at the Temple, a practice that became particularly widespread during the Second Temple period (512 BCE to 70 CE ). ... It was also common for non-Jewish leaders to send gifts to the Temple throughout the Second Temple period. Darius, King of Persia, and even Augustus Caesar both did this. Undoubtedly because of the Temple, [the Roman historian] Pliny the Elder wrote that Jerusalem was the most famous city in the East.
Christianity resituated the holiness and authority of the Temple in the
person of Jesus of Nazareth. As Pope Benedict XVI explained, Jesus claimed for
himself the qualities of the Temple (Matthew 12:5). After the Romans destroyed
the Temple at Jerusalem in 70 CE, the Christian variant of the Jewish idea
gained support, and ultimately was adopted as the state religion of the Roman
But it was the standing of Judaism and its universal appeal in
the ancient world that made Christianity possible in the first place. That
explains why it is more difficult for Christianity to take hold in China today
than in the ancient Mediterranean; without the living memory of the Temple at
Jerusalem and the unique role of ancient Israel, Christianity becomes an
abstraction rather than an extension of Israel's living presence.
replacing the Temple with the person of Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity
spiritualized Jewish practice. In place of the sacrifices of the Temple, belief
in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his subsequent resurrection became
the center of Western religion. Christianity appealed to the tribes of Europe by
offering them a place in a "new Israel" of the spirit, while retaining their
ethnic identity in the flesh. The tragedy of Western Christianity is that the
flesh overcame the spirit, and the tribalism of the European peoples ultimately
destroyed the universal ties of Christian culture.
It is instructive to
contrast today's Europe with today's China. Europe has achieved a limited degree
of unification without, however, overcoming national resistance to a unified
government. China by contrast contains fifty-five distinct ethnic minorities and
numerous spoken languages within a single political system. Despite the
occasional eruption of separatist tendencies, China is in little danger of
reverting to a loose confederation of ethnicities.
For all its great
accomplishments, the European project of the past thousand years has failed. The
greatest achievement of the West is the creation of the United States of
America, which selected immigrants from all nations in a new, non-ethnic polity
defined by a Constitution inspired to a great extent by ancient Israel.
When Christianity failed to overcome the residual tribalism of the West,
its universalizing message was replaced by relativism. The reigning dogma in the
secular West now states that every ethnicity is entitled to its own "narrative"
and that all cultures are equally valid in their own terms. Relativism refuses
to consider the obvious fact that some cultures succeed while others fail
miserably; it insists on the absolute right of self-definition and
self-termination for every tribe.
This post-Christian ideology motivates
many attacks on China in the West, and justifies Western support for breakaway
movements in Tibet, Xinjiang, and other Chinese provinces. The same ideology
justifies attacks on the State of Israel. Liberal relativists argue that
Palestinian Arabs have the right to their own self-defining narrative, which
regards the State of Israel as an alien intrusion in the Middle East-despite the
thousands of years of Jewish history and the unbroken Jewish presence in the
country over those thousands of years. The relativists demand that Israel
abandon its character as a Jewish State, or at least give up so much land as to
become indefensible.
The State of Israel was founded in one of the many
population exchanges that occurred after World War II: about 700,000 Jews were
expelled from Arab countries, including the ancient community of Iraq that
predated the Arabs, and about 700,000 Arab refugees left the State of Israel.
Israel integrated the expelled Jews but the Arab countries refused to integrate
the expelled Arabs, maintaining them instead as a permanent "refugee" population
in token of their refusal to accept the historical rights of the Jewish people.
The Arab countries began three wars of aggression against Israel-in
1947, 1967, and 1973-but failed each time. In 1967, Israel retook the eastern
half of its capital Jerusalem, the site of the ancient Temple. Jerusalem has had
a Jewish majority since the middle of the 19th century, and a continuous Jewish
presence - with brief interruptions after expulsions by Roman and Christian
conquerors - for more than 3,000 years.
The same perverse logic that
denies Israel the right to live in its ancient homeland in secure borders with
its ancient capital city is used to condemn China's sovereignty over Xinjiang
and Tibet, among other places. The supposed right of self-determination for
"Uyghur culture" or "Tibetan culture" is opposed to China's historic sovereignty
over those territories. If this argument were extended to its logical
conclusion, the great accomplishment of Chinese civilization - its genius for
integrating many ethnicities into a unifying culture - is a wicked form of
imperial impression.
This begs the question: why are Western liberals so
obsessed with the putative right of the Palestinian Arabs to their own
"narrative"? The answer, I believe, is that the Palestinian issue is the thin
end of the wedge. In the West, Israel represents the ideal of a civilization
that rises above ethnicity. The historic continuity of the Jewish people is the
foundation for Christianity, which has faded as a universalizing civilization in
If Israel's historic rights to its ancient homeland are
compromised, and if Israel can be portrayed as an imperial aggressor that
violates the self-definition of ethnic minorities, relativism will triumph over
the principle of unifying civilization. Israel has enormous symbolic importance
for the West.
Founded just 65 years ago, the modern Jewish state has
become a pocket superpower in technology, business and the arts, as well as the
strongest and most stable state in the Middle East. It is also the only
industrial country with a fertility rate far above replacement. Not just in the
abstract, but in its concrete manifestation in the modern State of Israel,
Jewish nationhood remains "a paragon and exemplar of a nation."
ambitions of liberal relativism extend far beyond the Middle East. It is much
easier to drive the thin end of the wedge into Israel, a nation of just 8
million people, than into China, a world power of 1.4 billion people. Precisely
the same reasoning that proposes to carve up the State of Israel justifies
ethnic separatism in China.
It is important to emphasize that this has
nothing to do with the question of democracy in China. The Western liberals who
support Tibetan separatism, for example, do not argue that Tibetans should have
the right to vote in Chinese elections: they argue that Tibetans should have the
right to restore the extremely undemocratic feudal system that prevailed before
Tibet was integrated into China.
The instinctive affinity that Chinese
feel for the Jewish people, therefore, is not a matter of happenstance. Nor is
the fact that Chinese civilization and Jewish civilization have longer
continuity than any other modes of human existence. Despite their great
differences, they share a common purpose, to transcend tribalism through a
unifying civilization. It should be no surprise that they have enemies in
Spengler is channeled by David P Goldman. He is Senior
Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and Associate Fellow at the
Middle East Forum. His book How Civilizations Die (and why Islam is Dying,
Too) was published by Regnery Press
in September 2011. A volume of his essays on culture, religion and
economics, It's Not the End of the World - It's Just the End of
You, also appeared that fall,
from Van Praag Press.
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