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History of The First International

이강기 2015. 10. 30. 11:18

G. M. Stekloff 1928


History of The First International





First published: in England 1928.
Published: London. Martin Lawrence Limited;
Translated: from the 3rd Russian edition, with notes from the 4th edition, by Eden and Cedar Paul;
Printed: and made in England by the Dorrit Press, Ltd, London S.E.1.;
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden;
Proofed: and corrected by Chris Clayton.





“It is not ... a mere improvement that is contemplated, but nothing less than a regeneration, and that not of one nation only, but of mankind. This is certainly the most extensive aim ever contemplated by any institution, with the exception, perhaps, of the Christian Church. To be brief, this is the programme of the International Workingmen’s Association.”


[The Times in a leading article, September, 1868, during the Brussels Congress of the First International]




Translator's Preface




ONE: Forerunners of Proletarian Internationalism
TWO: Harbingers of the International
THREE: Foundation of the International Workingmen’s Association
FOUR: First Steps of the International; the London Conference of 1865
FIVE: Conflicting Elements in the International
SIX: The Geneva Congress of the International
SEVEN: Development of the International. The International and Strikes
EIGHT: The Lausanne Congress of the International.
NINE: Further Successes. The Brussels Congress
TEN: The Basle Congress
ELEVEN: Season of Blossoming, and the Beginning of the End. Anarchism
TWELVE: The Franco-German War and the Paris Commune
THIRTEEN: The London Conference of 1871. The Bakuninists
FOURTEEN: The Hague Congress




ONE: The Causes of the Split
TWO: The Saint-Imier Congress and Foundation of the Anarchist International
THREE: The Forces of the Anarchist International
FOUR: The End of the Marxist International
FIVE: The Geneva Congress of the Anarchist International
SIX: The Brussels Congress of the Anarchist International
SEVEN: Theory and Practice of the Anarchist International
EIGHT: The Beginning of the End of the Anarchist International
NINE: The Berne Congress of the anti-authoritarian International
TEN: The Last Congress of the Anarchist International
ELEVEN: The Universal Socialist Congress at Ghent
TWELVE: International Anarchist Congress in London
THIRTEEN: International Socialist Congress at Chur (Coire)
FOURTEEN: Conclusion


Reference Notes




Appendix : Address, Preamble, and Provisional Rules
of the International Workingmen’s Association