When socialism can 'work'
By Martin Hutchinson
Asia Times online
Oct. 21, 2014
Bolivian President Evo Morales last weekend
won re-election by a smashing margin. His eight-year rule has weakened Bolivian
property rights, indulged in frequent nationalizations and demonized capitalism.
Yet it has also produced Bolivia's best growth rates in several decades, far
better than the orthodox and admirable policies pursued in 1985-2003.
Thus Morales' policy of making Bolivian clocks run backwards seems
reflected by the apparent successful defiance of theory in his economics. In
reality, however, there is a fairly simple explanation, and it is an important
lesson for other poor countries.
Morales, the first "indigenous"
president of Bolivia, is a Latin
American socialist. He enjoys denouncing
capitalism, but not quite a standard one. His eccentricity was demonstrated a
few months ago when he caused the clocks on the Bolivian Congress to run
backwards, explaining that "clockwise" was a "Northern-Hemispherist" construct,
derived from clocks following sundials in a hemisphere where sundial shadows
advanced clockwise, and was hence not relevant to the Southern Hemisphere, where
sundial shadows run counter-clockwise.
He's quite right. There can be no
doubt that if clocks had been invented in Australia or Patagonia, their hands
would run the other way. He is, however, pushing it in respect of Bolivia, where
La Paz is sufficiently close to the Equator that, for part of the year, sundials
work the same way as they do up north.
His economic policies have
equally had a certain logic to them. Through nationalization and tearing up
contracts, he has enabled the Bolivian state to quadruple its revenues from
minerals and energy extraction at a time when prices were high and mining and
energy companies would otherwise have made windfall profits from their rise.
This has in turn enabled Morales to increase the Bolivian welfare state without
drastically unbalancing the budget.
Indeed, aided by the windfall in
resource revenues, his budgetary policies have been a model of restraint, far
better than most other Latin American countries, or indeed than the rich nations
of Europe, the US or Japan. Purely judged on his budgetary policies, we might
well envisage for him a post-presidential career as the successor to US Treasury
Secretary Jack Lew or British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne!
The results of Bolivia's policies have been excellent. It has had an
average growth rate of over 5% since he took office in 2006, with the 2008-09
recession survived with barely a hiccup. With the budget so close to balance,
Bolivia's international debts are also modest, although a 2008 default on
outstanding international bonds for a time made it difficult for the country to
borrow. However, in late 2012, the hyper-liquid state of global bond markets
enabled Bolivia to borrow again, raising US$500 million of ten-year money at a
rate of only 4.875%.
This success is in marked contrast to the fate of
the "neo-liberal" policies pursued from 1985 until 2003. During that period,
while Bolivia ended hyperinflation, growth averaged only 3.1%, barely enough to
keep up with the 2.3% annual population growth, and there were a number of
grinding recessions.
It is thus a paradox for supporters of free-market
policies: how does it happen that Morales' statist policies are rewarded with
such success, whereas better policies pursued earlier brought results that were
no more than mediocre?
Part of it is the effect of commodity prices, and
of Morales' renegotiation of mining and energy contracts. If commodity and
energy prices are low during the next five years, Bolivia will have considerable
In other countries where anti-market policies have been
tried, such as Argentina, resource prices provide more or less the entire
rationale for the country's relative success. In Argentina, commodity prices
were low during the 1990s, so relatively sound policies produced little success
and ran up debts.
Since 2003, the combination of high commodities prices
(in Argentina's case producing fine results from its privatized agricultural
sector, albeit with government imposts also soaring) and the partial debt
default of 2005 have brought riches. Argentina was already running a trade
surplus, but using most of it for debt service so when the debt service
disappeared money flowed in. As the Kirchner/Fernandez government has grown more
profligate, Argentina's position has deteriorated, but in 2003-13 it had a good
But that doesn't entirely apply in Bolivia, where debt service was
never especially onerous even before the 2008 default. However, there is another
factor that may have made the difference. As Bolivia's first indigenous
president, Morales has made great efforts to include the indigenous community -
currently about 40% of Bolivia's population - in the formal economy, providing
both welfare payments and job preferences to increase their participation.
This parallels the policy of Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who
also focused attention on the poorest members of Brazil's very unequal society
through the "Bolsa familia", providing subsistence payments to the very poor in
return for keeping their children in school and other basic elements of economic
participation. Like Morales' Bolivia, Lula's Brazil enjoyed several years of
unexpectedly robust growth before running into difficulty as the Leviathan state
continued to expand and suck up resources.
It therefore appears that, in
situations in which a large proportion of the population is so poor as not to
participate properly in the economy, it is possible to achieve a "growth
dividend" by bringing them into full participation. As they transition into full
economic activity, their output allows the economy to grow significantly,
producing extra output and extra tax revenue and enriching the economy as a
This does not appear to apply to richer countries, such as
Argentina, let alone the wealthy West. But in countries both poor and unequal,
like Bolivia, even the best macroeconomic policies - such as were pursued in
1985-2003 - do not produce good results if they leave part of the workforce
Similarly in Brazil, the improvement in growth between the
1994-2002 Cardoso administration and the 2002-10 Lula administration was not due
to better economic policies, let alone to greater market confidence, but simply
to the participation of Brazil's poorest in the economy and the multiplier
benefits from their output.
There are two lessons to be drawn. First, in
Africa in particular it will be necessary as countries get richer for mechanisms
to be put in place whereby their poorer citizens can benefit. This especially
applies to countries like South Africa, with exceptionally high inequality and
an exceptionally corrupt state system that has raised only a small number of its
African fellow citizens out of poverty. Indeed the unexpectedly poor economic
growth rates in South Africa can directly be linked to the lack of participation
in the formal economy by its poorer citizens, as the country has 25%
Second, even decently capitalist governments need to make
sure that their beautifully designed market economies extend right down the
scale. There is little benefit in having an economy that would make Ludwig von
Mises purr, if its benefits extend only to the top half of the income
distribution, and the bottom half is mired in squalid shantytowns with no
opportunities of bettering themselves.
In uplifting the very poorest,
direct cash transfers with only simple conditionality are highly effective. A
program such as the Bolsa Familia costs only a couple of percent of GDP, far
less than massive infrastructure schemes, yet it reaches the poorest in society
effectively. Complex programs designed to meet needs precisely, with massive
administrative costs and rent-seeking at all levels, generally miss the poorest
and most needy, and merely add bureaucratic bloat.
History also suggests
that the simplistic cash-transfer approach to welfare works better. In Britain
before 1834, the poor were given "outdoor relief" in the form of cash or food
handouts, and therefore remained active in the economy. However the 1834 Poor
Law, introduced by the foolish doctrinaire Whigs, invented the "workhouse" by
which the poor were segregated from the rest of society in an institution
deliberately designed to be "less eligible" and thoroughly unpleasant for its
The result was a mass of leftist propaganda, starting with
Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist," an inexorable rise in the cost of welfare
provision and a deterioration in low-end living standards. Thus by the time
Charles Booth wrote Life and Labour of the People in London in 1889, many
of the urban poor lived lives far more squalid than had their great-grandfathers
a century earlier, in spite of the huge rise in living standards generally.
Capitalism needs to include the entire population, and it needs to do so
through simple cash handouts and work opportunities, not through elaborate and
counterproductive social engineering.
Martin Hutchinson is the
author of Great Conservatives (Academica Press, 2005) - details can be
found on the website www.greatconservatives.com - and co-author with Professor
Kevin Dowd of Alchemists of Loss (Wiley, 2010). Both are now available on
Amazon.com, Great Conservatives only in a Kindle edition, Alchemists
of Loss in both Kindle and print
(Republished with permission from PrudentBear.com.
Copyright 2005-14 David W Tice & Associates.)
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