美國, 韓美關係

1910년대 미국의 목화산업 노동자들

이강기 2015. 11. 7. 22:45

Pictures of Cottonworkers, ca. 1910s



Some of the young workers (not the youngest) in the Kosciusko Cotton Mills. Superintendent objected to me taking photographs. Kosciusko, Mississippi.

Mart Payne, 5 years old, picks from 10 to 20 pounds a day. Mother said: "Mart, he haint old nuff to go to school much, but he kin pick his 20 pounds a day. Mostly 10 or 15 pounds." Comanche County, Oklahoma.

Young girl working at a knittingmachine at Cherokee Hosiery Mill. Rome i Georgia, USA 1913.

Little spinner in Bibb Mill No. 1, Macon, Ga. She was so small she had to climb up on to the spinning frame to mend broken threads. Jan. 19, 1909.

Two of the "helpers" in the Tifton Cotton Mill, Tifton, Ga. They work regularly. 1909.

All these children five years, six years, seven years, nine years and two a little older, were picking cotton on H.M. Lane's farm Bells, Texas, USA 1913.

Knitters in Loudon. Hosiery Mills, Loudon Tennessee, USA, December 1910.

Ronald Webb, twelve year old doffer boy and Frank Robinson, seven year old who helps sweep and doff. Father is cardroom boss, Roanoke (Va.) Cotton Mills. Roanoke, Virginia, USA, May 1911.

Workers at the weavingmachines in The Flint Cotton Mill. Fall River, USA 1912.

Boy with coat in hand is 11 years old. Been there 9 months. Started at 50 cents a day. Now gets 60 cents. Gastonia, North Carolina, USA 1908.

Force working in West Point Cotton Mills.

Boy at warping machine. Been there 2 years. Clyde Cotton Mill. Newton, North Carolina, USA 1908.

Cleo Campbell, 9 years old, picks 75 to 100 pounds of cotton a day. Expects to start school soon. Said: "I'd ruther go to school and then I wouldn't have ter work." Father said she and her sister begin about 6 A.M. and work until 6 or 7 P.M. with 1 1/2 hours off at noon. Potawotamie, Oklahoma, USA 1916.

Flashlight photo of children on night shift going to work at 6. P.M. on a cold dark December night. They do not come out again until 6:00 A.M. Childworkers on their way to a night shift at Whitnel Cottton Mills. North Carolina, USA 1908.