
1890년대에 찍은 멋진 사진들

이강기 2017. 10. 31. 19:04

The World in the 1890s Through 12 Glorious Photos

Vintage Everyday,

Photochromes are vibrant and nuanced prints hand-colored from black-and-white negatives. Created using a process pioneered in the 1880s, these images offer a fascinating insight into the world when color photography was still in its infancy.

Photochrome is a method of producing colored images from black-and-white negatives, allowing color pictures to be created before color photography became available. The process was developed in the 1880s by the Swiss chemist Hans Jakob Schmid.

Creating a photochrome involved taking detailed notes on the colors present in the photographed scene, and then hand-coloring the negative...

Women in Algeria, 1899

The Praça da Ribeira in Porto, Portugal, circa 1903

Lauterbrunnen and the Staubbach waterfall, Switzerland, circa 1900

Mosque of El-Zituna in Tunis, Tunisia, 1896

The Rhine Falls, Switzerland, circa 1890

Farmers in Guria, Georgia, 1904

Landing off the coast of Algiers, Algeria, 1896

Street food in the Strada del Porto in Naples, Italy, 1899

Schaffhausen and the Munot, Switzerland, 1893

Camel drivers in the desert, 1895

Water-pipe smokers in front of a coffee house in Istanbul, Turkey, 1897

Alley in the old town of Biskra, Algeria, circa 1900

(via The Guardian)