40 Fascinating Color Photographs That Capture Everyday Life in Japan in the 1950s
(사진으로 봐선 1950년대의 일본 경제사정이 별스럽잖아 보이는데, 당시 간혹 고국을 방문하는
재일동포는 그의 고향에서 '억만장자' 대접을 받았다. 그 정도로 당시 한국의 경제사정이 비참
하기 짝이 없었다는 얘기다.)
The occupation, like the Taika Reform of the 7th century and the Meiji Restoration 80 years earlier, represented a period of rapid social and institutional change that was based on the borrowing and incorporation of foreign models. General principles for the proposed governance of Japan had been spelled out in the Potsdam Declaration and elucidated in U.S. government policy statements drawn up and forwarded to MacArthur in August 1945. The essence of these policies was simple and straightforward: the demilitarization of Japan, so that it would not again become a danger to peace; democratization, meaning that, while no particular form of government would be forced upon the Japanese, efforts would be made to develop a political system under which individual rights would be guaranteed and protected; and the establishment of an economy that could adequately support a peaceful and democratic Japan.

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