出版, 冊, 讀書

The Catastrophe( 케렌스키의 러시아혁명에 대한 자전적 이야기)

이강기 2015. 9. 7. 14:25
The Catastrophe( 케렌스키의 러시아혁명에 대한 자전적 이야기)    

A. F. Kerensky

The Catastrophe


Source: The Catastrophe: Kerensky's own story of the Russian Revolution
Published: 1927
Transcriber: Jonas Holmgren


I. The four days that ended the Russian monarchy
II. Before the crash
III. Within the provisional government
IV. The government crisis
V. Restoration of the front
VI. Dissolution of the army
VII. Gutchkoff
VIII. First visits to the army
IX. The offensive
X. The battle
XI. The nation's victory
XII. The ex-czar and his family
XIII. The Moscow conference
XIV. The conspirators on the right
XV. Lavre Korniloff
XVI. The conspirators take the offensive
XVII. The drive against the provisional government
XVIII. Gatchina
XIX. Conclusion


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