
British Royalty

이강기 2015. 9. 21. 09:32









Queen Elizabeth II in her coach on the day of her Coronation, 1953.


Queen Elizabeth II in her coach on the day of her Coronation, 1953.



Christening of George Lascelles, son of The Princess Mary and first grandchild of King George V and Queen Mary, 1923.


1923년, 조지 5세의 외손주이며 메리 공주의 아들인 조지 라셀레스(7th Earl of Harewood)

의 세례식 기념사진. 메리 공주는 조지 5세의 하나 뿐인 딸이다. 



Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale.

Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale. 빅토리아 여왕의 장손자이며

에드워드 7세(재위: 1901년-1910년)의 장자. 1892년 인플루엔자로 사망하는 바람에

동생 조지5세(재위: 1910년-1936년, 엘리자베스 2세 여왕의 할아버지)가 아버지의

뒤를 이어 왕위에 올랐다.




Prince Michael of Kent, Princess Alexandra of Kent, and Prince Edward (Duke of Kent), 1943.

Prince Michael of Kent, Princess Alexandra of Kent, and Prince Edward

(Duke of Kent), 1943. 조지5세의 4남인 조지왕자(켄트공작)의 자녀들이며

엘리자베스 2세여왕의 사촌들이다. 조지왕자는 제2차 세계대전 때 공군에

복무하다 1942년 스코틀랜드 인근에서 비행기 추락으로 사망했다.




The Princess Margaret.


The Princess Margaret




. The Princess of Wales (later Queen Alexandra), 1870.


The Princess of Wales (later Queen Alexandra), 1870.




The Prince Arthur (later The Duke of Connaught), son of Queen Victoria, 1850s.

The Prince Arthur (later The Duke of Connaught), son of Queen Victoria, 1850s.




Queen Elizabeth II in Wales, 2012.

Queen Elizabeth II in Wales, 2012.






The Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Prince Charles.


The Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II)

and Prince Charles. 보채는 찰스왕자를 업어 달래

고 있는 엘리자베스 공주(왕위 등극 이전). 제일

감동적인 사진이다.






The Princess Anne, Princess Royal.

The Princess Anne, Princess Royal.

Prince William (now The Duke of Cambridge) and Prince Harry of Wales.

Prince William (now The Duke of Cambridge) and Prince Harry of Wales.

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh at the coronation of 1953.

Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh at the coronation of 1953.

Queen Elizabeth, The Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II), The Princess Margaret, and King George VI on the balcony at Buckingham Palace at the coronation in 1937.

Queen Elizabeth, The Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II),

The Princess Margaret, and King George VI on the balcony at Buckingham

Palace at the coronation in 1937.

Princess Elizabeth of York (later Queen Elizabeth II) with her uncle The Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII/Duke of Windsor).

Princess Elizabeth of York (later Queen Elizabeth II) with her

uncle The Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII/Duke of Windsor).

Queen Alexandra wearing the Russian Kokoshnik Tiara.

Queen Alexandra wearing the Russian Kokoshnik Tiara.

Queen Elizabeth II, The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward.

Queen Elizabeth II, The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Princess

Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward.

Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (later Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother) with her future brother-in-laws The Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII/Duke of Windsor) and The Duke of Gloucester in 1922.

Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (later Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother) with her

future brother-in-laws The Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII/Duke of Windsor)

and The Duke of Gloucester in 1922.

Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent and Prince Michael.

Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent and Prince Michael.