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이강기 2015. 9. 21. 10:59

One Very Hungry Snake Eats a Crocodile

Travis Corlis / AFP / Getty Images

A snake eating a crocodile at Queensland's Lake Moondarra, near the mining town of Mount Isa., March 2, 2014

snake battles and eats crocodile
Tiffany Corlis / ABC / EPA

A python snake strangling and ultimately eating a crocodile in an epic duel that shocked onlookers at Lake Moondarra, near Mount Isa, northwestern Queensland, Australia, on March 2, 2014

snake battles and eats crocodile
Tiffany Corlis / ABC / EPA

A python snake strangling and ultimately eating a crocodile in an epic duel that shocked onlookers at Lake Moondarra, near Mount Isa, northwestern Queensland, Australia, March 2, 2014




snake battles and eats crocodile
Tiffany Corlis / ABC / EPA

A python snake strangling and ultimately eating a crocodile in an epic duel that shocked onlookers at Lake Moondarra, near Mount Isa, northwestern Queensland, Australia, March 2, 2014