科學, 技術

세상을 바꾼 10가지 기술혁신

이강기 2015. 9. 26. 18:16



10 innovations that changed the world






Science & Society Picture Library | SSPL | Getty Images


1908: Ford's Model T




Peter Purdy | Hulton Archive | Getty Images


1928: Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin




Odd Andersen | AFP | Getty Images


1954: Nuclear power




Keystone-France | Gamma-Keystone | Getty Images


1961: Yuri Gagarin enters space




Timothy A. Clary | AFP | Getty Images


1969: Concorde makes its maiden flight




Steve Shott | Dorling Kindersley | Getty Images


1979: Sony's Walkman goes on sale




Philippe Desmazes | AFP | Getty Images


1989: Sir Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web




Getty Images | Getty Images News


1996: Birth of the world's first successfully cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep




Justin Sullivan | Getty Images


 2001: The iPod is launched




Lifehand 2 | Patrizia Tocci


2013: 'Bionic' limbs