
The Little Tramp - Charlie Chaplin

이강기 2015. 9. 29. 21:23
Charlie Chaplin when he was a player in Fred Karno's vaudeville troupe.




Early Days
A picture of Charlie Chaplin when he was a player in Fred Karno's vaudeville troupe, 1914.


Chaplin in the film <em>Shoulder Arms</em>
Playing Soldier
Shoulder Arms, made in 1918, was one of Chaplin's first feature length films.
Chaplin signs the contract to establish United Artists

Signing on
In 1919, Chaplin formed United Artists, the first independent film distribution corporation, with (from left) D. W. Griffith, Mary Pickford, Albert H.T. Banzhaf, Dennis F.O Brien, and Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. The move gave the artist much greater control of his films.


Chaplin and Jackie Coogan in the movie The Kid
Pair of Tramps
Chaplin and Jackie Coogan in the classic 1921 movie The Kid.
A scene from the The Gold Rush
Out of His Element
A scene from the classic 1925 movie The Gold Rush
Chaplin films a scene from The Gold Rush

And Action
In The Gold Rush, Chaplin wrote, directed and starred.


Chaplin and a cameraman during the filming of Alaska
Cold Cuts
Chaplin and a cameraman during the filming of Alaska.
Albert Einstein and Chaplin arrive for the opening of City Lights

Two Geniuses
Albert Einstein and Chaplin arrive for the opening of Chaplin's movie, City Lights, in Los Angeles, California, Feb. 2, 1931.


The famous boxing scene from City Lights
In This Corner
The famous boxing scene from City Lights.
Chaplin in The Great Dictator
Uncanny Resemblance
The Great Dictator, made in 1940, is the first film in which he speaks.
Chaplin and actress Paulette Goddard
Dinner Theater
Chaplin and actress actress Paulette Goddard were married for six years, from 1936 to 1942.
Chaplin and Paulette Godard in a scene from Modern Times
On the Road
The actress and Chaplin appeared in several films together, including the 1936 Modern Times.