美國, 韓美關係

남북전쟁 사진전

이강기 2015. 10. 3. 05:12

 President Lincoln visiting the battlefield at Antietam, Md., October 3, 1862. General McClellan and 15 members of his staff are in the group. Photographed by Alexander Gardner. 165-SB-23





A New York Herald Tribune wagon and reporters in the field





Constructing telegraph lines, April 1864. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.





Black laborers on a wharf, James River, Va





A refugee family leaving a war area with belongings loaded on a cart





Federal cavalry column along the Rappahannock River, Va., 1862









Council of war near Massaponax Church, Va., May 21, 1864. General Grant is looking over General Meade's shoulder at a map Meade holds. Photographed by Timothy H. O'Sullivan





Pontoon bridge at Bull Run, Va., 1862





Federal engineers bridging the Tennessee River at Chattanooga, March 1864





Digging the Dutch Gap Canal on the James River, Va., 1864.





Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant standing by a tree in front of a tent, Cold Harbor, Va., June 1864





Battle between the C.S.S. Virginia and the U.S.S. Monitor, Hampton Roads, Va., March 9, 1862





Baseball game between Union prisoners at Salisbury, N.C., 1863. Lithograph of a drawing by Maj. Otto Boetticher.





Landing supplies at the wharf at City Point, Va., 1864








Regimental Drum Corps


Officers of 139th Penn. Inf


This fort was constructed by Confederate forces before they pulled out from this section of Virginia. - robertgray42

Camp and fort

Camp scene


    Parade, Pennsylvania Avenue, Lincoln's Time. Washington, DC, circa 1865