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“세계서 가장 잘 팔리는 술, 소주…소맥 정도는 알아야” - the Guardian

이강기 2015. 10. 7. 11:20

“세계서 가장 잘 팔리는 술, 소주…소맥 정도는 알아야” 

입력 2013-12-03 14:51:00 수정 2013-12-03 16:35:58, 동아일보


영국의 유력 일간지가 "세계에서 가장 많이 팔리는 술"이며 "이제는 한국뿐 아니라 뉴욕과 런던에서 차게 하거나 칵테일로 마실 수 있다"며 소주를 소개해 눈길을 끈다.

가디언은 1일(현지시간) 블로그에 올린 '소주: 전세계에서 가장 인기있는 술(Soju: the most popular booze in the world)'라는 제목의 글에서 "전 세계에서 다른 어떤 스피리트(증류주와 같은 독한 술)보다 2배 이상 팔리는 술이 있다"며 "정답은 소주"라고 전했다.

이어 진로의 소주는 올 들어 6500만 상자(9리터 기준)나 팔려 영국 주류 전문지인 '드링크스 인터내셔널'이 선정하는 '전세계에서 가장 많이 팔리는 스피리트 순위'에서 수년 동안 정상의 자리를 차지하고 있다며 "이는 스미르노프(SMIRNOFF ·미국산 보트카) 판매량보다 3배가 많다"고 보도했다.

가디언은 "현재 소주는 한국의 슈퍼스타 싸이의 도움으로 80개국에서 팔리며, 미국 전역에서 마실 수 있다"며 "LA다저스 구장에선 3게임만에 재고가 동났고, 뉴욕 술집들은 '사과 소주 아페리티프(apple soju aperitifs)'와 열대과일 리치가 들어간 '리치 소주 슬래시'를 경쟁적으로 내놓고 있다"고 전했다.

매체는 그러면서 소주의 유래와 제조법, 족발과 보쌈 등 잘 어울리는 한국 음식, '참이슬'과 '처음처럼' 등 유명 브랜드 제품을 상세히 소개했다. 또 한국에 있다면 알코올 도수가 45도에 달하는 안동소주를 마셔보기를 권했다.

가디언은 "소주 칵테일에선 영국에 개척자가 있다"며 '드링크스 인터내셔널'이 '월드 베스트 바'의 하나로 선정한 '랭햄 아테시안 바'의 헤드 팀장 알렉스 크라테나를 소개했다.

가디언은 "크라테나는 서울에서 (소주의 매력에) 완전히 뒤집어졌기 때문에 싸이의 친구인 소주와 노는 걸 즐긴다"며 크라테나가 영국에서 망고 소주 칵테일을 개발하게 된 배경을 설명했다.

매체는 특히 "당신이 맥주를 사랑한다면 '소맥(somac)'을 알아야 한다. 한국인들은 맥주와 소주를 섞는 것을 '제조(manufacturing)'라고 부른다"며 "가장 선호되는 방법은 맥주 70%에 소주 30%를 섞는 것이다"고 했다.

또 "전통적인 제조법으로는 '허리케인(회오리)'이 있다"며 "맥주가 담긴 잔 속에 알맞은 비율로 소주를 넣은 다음에 티슈로 잔을 닫고 손목을 이용해 빠르게 돌리면 잔 안에 조그마한 허리케인이 생긴다"며 일명 '회오리주'도 소개했다.

매체는 "티슈가 젖는다고 걱정하지 말라"며 "이것은 일반적일 뿐 아니라 당신에게 젖은 티슈를 벽에 던져 붙게 만드는 한국인들의 습관에 중독되게 할 것이다"고 전했다.



Soju:the most popular booze in the world


The Guardian


1st Aug., 2014




The South Korean spirit is the globe's best-selling alcohol. But they're not just drinking it in Korea these days – you can try chilled shots or soju cocktails in New York and London




A shot of soju: 'The best is described as buttery, grainy or malty, with hints of sweetness.' Photograph: Washington Post/Getty Images

Attention pub quizzers and booze geeks. There's a brand of one particular spirit that sells more than twice as much as any other in the world. Any guesses? If you said vodka, back of the class. The answer is soju, national hooch of South Korea. Jinro Soju – available at Waitrose and Amazon – has topped Drinks International's annual list of best-selling global spirits for years, notching up sales of 65m nine-litre cases in the 2013 list. That would be three times more than Smirnoff.


Soju now sells in 80 countries, with a rising profile helped by Korean superstar Psy, who not only proclaimed soju his "best friend" but also lent his dark-glassed visage to various campaigns to get the rest of the world smitten too. "K-Pop K-Shot" billboards sprouted across America, showing Psy clutching a bottle of Chamisul soju (available via Beers of Europe). A pioneering soju outlet at the LA Dodgers baseball arena sold out its supply after three games. In New York, bars hawk apple soju aperitifs and lychee soju slushies to Big Apple hipsters. on YouTube, the Psy 13 soju shot drinking contest may suggest how the star came up with his Gangnam Style schtick in the first place. I mean, who hasn't pranced around pretending to ride a horse after a few?


Psy is just sharing his countrymen's passion. In a country with the world's highest per capita alcohol consumption (hey, it can't be easy living next door to North Korea), soju takes a whopping 97% of the spirits market. But this is a drink embedded in Korean culture since the 14th century, when Mongol invaders taught the locals how to distill, with fermented rice as the traditional starter. Today, the final spirit ranges in strength from 45% ABV to more common varieties that hit your glass ataround 25% ABV.


As with most spirits there's good stuff and bad stuff about – the latter being low-grade muck made from sweet potatoes and tapioca rather than artfully distilled fermented rice. Look for respected brands such as Chamisul or the delightfully named Chum-Churum. If you're in Korea, search out Andong – a 45% ABV beauty so highly regarded it has been officially designated as Korea's Intangible Cultural Assets No 12.


In the UK, it's the less potent soju you'll find in Korean bars and restaurants, where many punters drink it neat, chilled in a shot glass. This is also, of course, a great chance to discover soju's ubiquity as a novel complement to nosh. Sitting neatly between wine and western spirits in terms of alcoholic kick, soju works well with a variety of food thanks to the subtlety of its flavours, with the best sometimes described with words like buttery, grainy or malty, with hints of sweetness.


With Korean foods, try it with street-food favourites such as tteokpokki (a rice and fish cake) or salted shrimp. "Soju is often drunk with jokbal, which is pork trotter cooked in a seasoned, well-flavoured broth," adds Chef Won, Korean chef at Harrods' Pan Chai restaurant. "It also goes well with bossam – steamed pork wrapped in a red lettuce leaf with garlic, peppers and kimchi."


You can adapt soju with flavourings too. In San Francisco, the renowned Tonight Soju Bar does a roaring trade in watermelon or pineapple soju paired with kimchi pancakes or kimchi fried rice. In east London, the Korean restaurant Jubo has joined in. "We have ginger and blackberry soju," says owner Leon Foong. "Both are infused for three-four days with natural fruits. We also have a soju mojito, and plan to increase the number of soju cocktails."


When it comes to soju mixology, a key British pathfinder is Alex Kratena – head honcho at the Langham's Artesian Bar, rated the world's best bar by those Drinks International folk. Having shaken and stirred in Seoul, Kratena enjoys playing with Psy's best friend. "When we first tried it at the Artesian there was a lot of doubt," he admits. "But it's about the right combination. We found it worked really well with mango." Kratena also admires soju's lowering of the alcohol bar to provide "lots of flavour without being too strong" – ticking the box on the trend for lower-octane cocktails that allow drinkers to knock back a few without falling over.


If you love beer, meanwhile, you have to learn about somac – the multiple ways Koreans mix beer with soju in a process they call "manufacturing". Key variables include ratio and mixing methods. The most popular ratio is 30% soju to 70% beer, though standard 200ml Korean beer glasses often come with clearly marked gradations to help people "manufacture" to whatever ratio they want.


As to preparation methods, consider the classic somac known as the Hurricane. Fill a glass with your chosen proportion, cover with a tissue, slap your palm over it then twist sharply to create a swirl inside – a mini hurricane. Don't worry if the tissue gets soaked. This is not only normal, but allows you to indulge the Korean habit of then throwing it vertically to try to stick to the ceiling.

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