The girl in the picture: Kim Phuc's journey from war to forgiveness
Editor's Note: This is the first in an occasional series called "Rewind: Where are they now?" It catches up with people who stumbled into the headlines -- and then faded from view. Also, tune in at 9 p.m. ET Thursday June 25 for an episode of "The Seventies" that focuses largely on the Vietnam War.
Ajax, ontario, Canada (CNN): Even without the benefit of context, the image of a naked 9-year-old girl running for her life is as searing and indelible today as it was 43 years ago.
That image jolted people around the world. Some say it hastened the end of the Vietnam War.
"I always remember that horrible day that we ran from life to death," says Kim Phuc, the girl in that iconic photo. Now 52, she lives just outside Toronto, a wife, mother and survivor inextricably linked to a photograph that dominated front pages in 1972, seven months before the signing of Paris Peace Accords led to the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from South Vietnam.
In the beginning, says Phuc, she hated the photo. It embarrassed her. And she struggled with the publicity that surrounded it. For her. it was personal: It captured a moment of torment -- her face frozen in an agonizing wail moments after a napalm attack burned and disfigured her for life.
In fact, no one would blame Phuc if she had tried to get as far away from the image as possible. But that is not what she did.
After a long struggle, Phuc came to realize that if her pain and terror had not been captured on film that day, the bombing -- like so many other wartime horrors -- might have been lost to history.
She began to think about what the photograph could give, rather than what it could take away.
Eventually, the photo became much more than a depiction of a moment in time to Phuc -- it became what she calls "a path to peace."
"I realized that if I couldn't escape that picture, I wanted to go back to work with that picture for peace. And that is my choice."
'I can work with that picture for peace'
It's hard to square the anguish and terror of the girl in the picture with the warm, relaxed, engaging presence that is Kim Phuc today.
Besides being a loving wife and mother, she is a mentor, and a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations. Every year she travels the world to recount her story of survival, to raise awareness about the brutality of war.
In addition to her work with the U.N., Phuc started the Kim Foundation International, a charity that helps children suffering from war, just as she did so many years ago. Its mission is to help the most underprivileged children suffering from war -- building hospitals, schools and homes for children who have been orphaned. Phuc says she plans to live out her life in service of that mission.
"That's why I'm really thankful that I had that picture taken and I can work with that picture for peace."
Phuc and her husband claimed asylum in Canada more than 20 years ago and have raised two boys there. Phuc says she is very happy in her "second home" and gratified that her parents have been able to join her in Canada.
Now, says Phuc, that terrified little girl in the picture is "not running anymore. She's flying."
It was not always so.
'I saw a girl, naked ... running'
In 1972 Phuc lived in the village of Trang Bang, north of Saigon. She and family were sheltering in a temple when they heard planes overhead. Afraid they would be bombed, they ran outside to find safety, just as bombs detonated all around the temple. The bombs delivered napalm, a flammable liquid that clings to human skin, causing horrific burns when ignited.
Phuc remembers intense heat and excruciating pain. She pulled burning clothes from her body. She ran.
Moments later, a young Associated Press photojournalist took the photograph of his life. Nick Ut was only 21 years old and already a seasoned war photographer when he arrived at that South Vietnamese village.
"I looked through the black smoke and I saw a girl, naked ... running," Ut told CNN this year.
Instinct took over. He started taking pictures as Phuc and the other children ran straight for him.
As Phuc approached, Ut saw parts of her skin falling off. She had torn off her clothes to stop the burning. The napalm already had seared her neck, most of her back, and her left arm.
"I said: 'Oh my God I don't believe she's burned so badly,'" Ut recalled. "I put my camera down on the highway and tried to help her."
He poured water on her wounds and covered her with a coat. He picked up Kim and the other children and put them in his van to get them to a hospital.
"Inside my van she said, 'I'm dying, I'm dying.' I kept watching her every minute. I said, 'We will be there soon.'"
'I learned to forgive'
Phuc spent more than a year in hospitals. Her family feared she would never survive. She underwent countless painful skin grafts and other surgeries and eventually recovered from her physical wounds.
Yet she could not find peace. She wanted to disappear. She even wished for death. She thought if she died she wouldn't have to suffer mentally, physically and emotionally.
She began to seek answers, studying different religious texts. At 19, she became a Christian, and she credits her faith for helping her embrace life again.
"When I became Christian, I have a wonderful connection -- the relationship between me, and Jesus, and God."
Phuc says she prayed for help: She wanted to move on. She wanted to have kids.
"And from that point," she says, "I learned to forgive."
Now Phuc radiates an unmistakeable poise and peace when she tells her story. She says she sees that famous picture as just one of many blessings.
"I really want to thank God that he spared my life when I was a little girl," she says. "Whatever happened to me, I have another opportunity to be alive, to be healthful, to be a blessing, to help honor other people."
“이제는 사진처럼 뛰지 않아요…전쟁 고아 도우려 날아다녀요”
입력 2015-06-24 03:00:00 수정 2015-06-24 09:16:25
피부이식-정신적 고통 극복하고
전세계 오가며 ‘전쟁 참상’ 고발
이제 두 아이의 어머니가 된 베트남전쟁 당시의 ‘네이팜탄 소녀’ 판티낌푹 씨(52·사진)는 22일 미국 CNN과의 인터뷰에서 이렇게 말했다. CNN은 과거 언론의 주목을 받았던 인물들을 다시 찾아내 재조명하는 기획시리즈 ‘되감기(Rewind): 지금 그들은 어디에’의 첫 번째 주자로 티낌푹 씨를 인터뷰했다.
베트남전이 한창이던 1972년 6월. AP통신의 사진기자 닉 웃 씨는 네이팜탄이 투하된 직후 울면서 길거리로 뛰쳐나오는 아홉 살 소녀의 사진을 찍어 퓰리처상을 받았다. 이 사진은 당시 전 세계 수많은 매체의 1면에 실렸고 전쟁의 참상을 알려 베트남전 종전을 앞당기는 계기가 됐다.
티낌푹 씨는 현재 캐나다 토론토에 살고 있다. 약 20년 전 남편과 함께 캐나다로 망명했고 지금은 두 아들을 키우고 있다. 그는 인터뷰에서 “죽음으로부터 도망치던 그 끔찍한 날을 생생하게 기억한다”고 말했다.
그는 1년 넘게 병원에 머물며 피부이식 수술을 받았다. 그의 부모는 그가 살아남지 못할 것이라 믿었다. 몇 번의 수술로 생명의 위기를 넘기자 이번에는 정신적 고통이 찾아왔다. ‘네이팜탄 소녀’로 기억되는 것이 싫어 사라지거나 죽고 싶었다. 그는 19세에 기독교를 받아들이면서 정신적 안정을 되찾았다. 신에게 도움을 요청했고 삶에 대한 의지도 되살아났다. 아이도 갖고 싶었다. 그는 “바로 그 순간부터 용서하는 법을 배웠다”고 말했다.
그는 이후 유엔 친선대사를 맡아 전 세계를 오가며 자신의 기억을 들려주고 있다. 또 자신의 이름을 딴 ‘낌 국제재단’을 만들어 분쟁지역 고아들을 위한 학교와 병원, 주택을 짓는 활동도 벌이고 있다. 그는 CNN 인터뷰에서 “이제는 (사진처럼) 뛰지 않아요. 비행기를 타고 전 세계를 날아다니죠”라며 웃었다.
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