Sombrero galaxy 조회 155 --> April 24, 2012. The infrared vision of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed that the Sombrero galaxy, named after its appearance's similarity in visible light to a wide-brimmed hat, is in fact two galaxies in one according to NASA 寫眞 2015.09.21
'천국으로 가는 길'(중국) 조회 165 --> '중국에서 가장 위험한 길'이라는 제목으로 올라온 사진의 실제 장소는 중국 후난성에 위치한 톈먼산 도로다. 높은 경사도와 급격하게 굽이치는 도로는 해발 200m 지점부터 시작해 정상인 1300m까지 이어져 있다. 워낙 높은 곳까지 도로가 이어져 있어 사람들은 이곳 도로를 '천.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
막장 학교 조회 139 --> 10대들이 학교 안에서 남녀가 부둥켜안고 입 맞추는가 하면(위 왼쪽), 교실에 앉아 창문 밖으로 유유히 담배 연기를 뿜고(위 오른쪽), 운동장에 수십명이 모여 단체로 흡연을 했다(아래). 최근 학교폭력 사태와 관련해 본지 취재진의 카메라에 찍힌 장면들이다. 이처럼 교내에서.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
알렉산드라 페트로브나 - 이 여인에게 왜 애착이 가지? Nicholas II in the uniform of Her Majesty's Ulan Guards Regiment. Wedding of Nicholas II and Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna, 1894 The wedding of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and the Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, which took place at the Chapel of the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, on 14/26 November 1894. Behind the bride the Dowager Empress Maria Fyodorovna. Tsaritsa Alex.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
남의 나라 이야기만이 아닌 풍경 Pit bulls in Philippine dogfights to be put down Posted By: Bryan Chan Posted On: 2:02 p.m. | April 3, 2012 At least nine pit bulls rescued from a dogfighting ring in the Philippines were euthanized Tuesday and dozens more are likely to be because there are no facilities to rehabilitate them and prevent them from reappearing in underground arenas. View Post» Los Angeles T.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
죽어서도 벗어나지 못한 고통 조회 148 --> A mummy from the Chachapoyas culture is displayed in the Museum of The Nation before an exhibition in Lima, Jan. 9, 2007. The Museum of The Nation will open an exhibition on Jan. 11, 2007, showing mummies found in the Amazon rainforest region of Chachapoyas, northern Peru, dating from between 900 and 1500 from the Chachapoyas and the Incas cultures. (Photo: dayo.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
Inside Hitler’s Bunker: Rare and Unpublished Photos Oberwallstrasse, in central Berlin, which saw some of the most vicious fighting between German and Soviet troops in the spring of 1945 This is a new view of a photograph that appeared, heavily cropped, in LIFE, picturing Hitler's command center in the bunker, partially burned by retreating German troops and stripped of valuables by invading Russians Unpublished. This Vandivert.. 寫眞 2015.09.21
티베트 독립 염원, 몸을 불사르다 조회 217 --> March 26, 2012. A Tibetan exile, identified as Jampa Yeshi, runs engulfed in flames after self-immolating during a demonstration in New Delhi. 寫眞 2015.09.21
갖가지 '키스' 모음 A Collection of Kisses Mar 27, 2012 | 20, Atlantic Monthly One of the most intimate human gestures, a kiss can convey greetings, give comfort, express joy, and above all, show love. Gathered from news photos over the past few months, this collection of kisses features playful moments, emotional reunions, public displays of affection, and some pure expressions of love. [37 phot.. 寫眞 2015.09.21