美國, 韓美關係 703

Apple Watchにファッション業界冷ややか 「手首に着け たいだろうか」

Apple Watchにファッション業界冷ややか 「手首に着け たいだろうか」 Reuters | 執筆者: Reuters 投稿日: 2015年03月10日 16時44分 JST 更新: 39分前 3月9日、米アップルは腕時計型ウエアラブル端末「アップルウォッチ」について、新たな高級アクセサリーだとファッション業界に認めて..

1890년에서 1906년까지의 뉴욕 거리 모습 - 염소가 끄는 수레도 있다

20 Amazing Vintage Photos of Carts and Wagons in New York City A collection of 20 amazing vintage photos of carts and wagons on the streets of New York City from the late 19th century to early 20th century. The Mulberry Bend, ca 1890. Hester Street crowded with women shopping and push-cart peddlers, 1898. Pedestrians and push-carts on Mulberry Street, 1898. Hester Street crowde..

엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩을 짓는 건설 노동자들의 아슬아슬한 작업장면

Amazing Photos Showing the Dangerous of Constructing the Empire State Building Vintage Everyday April7, 2015 The Empire State Building is an iconic office building known as "the Most Famous Skyscraper in the World." Built during the Depression between 1930 and 1931, the Empire State Building became the world's tallest office building until 1967. The design of the building chan..

駐韓米大使襲撃事件, 中国の台頭で揺らぐ、韓国の米国観(일본기자니까 이따위 소리 하지)

駐韓米大使襲撃事件 中国の台頭で揺らぐ、韓国の米国観 かつて反米感情は存在しなかった 2015年03月23日(Mon)  澤田克己 (毎日新聞ソウル支局長) 澤田克己 (さわだ・かつみ)  毎日新聞ソウル支局長 1967年埼玉県生まれ。慶応義塾大法&#233..