이스라엘 앞에선 한없이 약해지는 美 언론 원문출처 : 이스라엘 앞에선 한없이 약해지는 美 언론 원문링크 : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2014/07/21/2014072100093.html 입력 : 2014.07.21 03:03 CNN, 中東특파원 전보 조치… 스데롯 언덕서 공습 구경하는 시민들 비난 후 논란일자 징계 NBC는 전보 조치했다가 취소 주요 매체들 유대 자본이 설.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
US Cold War nuclear missiles plain old - Pravda Weapons US Cold War nuclear missiles plain old 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
重要度では中・日・韓の順 米世論調査、「日本は同盟国」75% 重要度では中・日・韓の順 米世論調査、「日本は同盟国」75% 2014.7.9 15:07 Sankei web 最も重要なのは中国-。調査機関ユーガブが8日に発表した米国民の意識調査結果によると、日本、中国、韓国の3カ国で友好関係を維持すべき最.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
多数の米国人が「中国は日本より重要」と認識 - 人民網日本語版 英世論調査 多数の米国人が「中国は日本より重要」と認識 人民網日本語版 2014年07月10日15:07 英国の世論調査会社「YouGov」は8日、米国人を対象とした最新世論調査の結果を発表した。日本が集団的自衛権の行使容認を決定し、アジア太平洋地域.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
The Weeping Time The Weeping Time A forgotten history of the largest slave auction ever on American soil Kristopher MonroeJul 10 2014, 7:55 AM ET, The Atlantic Monthly Illustration depicting a slave auction (Wikimedia Commons) Two miles west of downtown Savannah, Georgia, sits a historical marker in the center of a small plot of a fenced in city park. The triangular park measures not more than .. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
A World Without Uncle Sam A World Without Uncle Sam A cash-strapped America no longer has the resources to continue as the world’s policeman, as its craven capitulation to Tehran makes clear. For Australia the message is chilling By Michael Galak July, 2014, Quadrant Online The preliminary nuclear deal recently struck between P5+1 – the US, Russia, France, China and Britain, with Germany as an .. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
The British View the War of 1812 Quite Differently Than Americans Do An unknown artist depicts the burning of Washington on August 24, 1814. (Artist unknown ) The British View the War of 1812 Quite Differently Than Americans Do The star-spangled war confirmed independence for the United States. But for Great Britain, it was a betrayal By Amanda Foreman Smithsonian Magazine | July 2014 As we look forward to celebrating the bicentennial of the .. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
In 1964 U.S. News Predicted the Future: How Did We Do? In 1964 U.S. News Predicted the Future: How Did We Do? From rocket cars to the average salary, our Cold War-era edition got some right on the money, while others, not so much. By Paul D. Shinkman July 3, 2014 | 7:00 a.m. The U.S. News & World Report iStockPhoto Talk about a blast from the past. U.S. News went back through its old editions and came up with a real gem: In 1964, o.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
Archives: The Battle of Gettysburg(희귀 사진들) Archives: The Battle of Gettysburg U.S. News & World Report 1 of 14 A photo,called "The Harvest of Death," of dead Union soldiers in Gettysburg, Pa., on July 5 or 6, 1863. The 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg occurred in 2013. Timothy H. O'Sullivan/Library of Congress 2 of 14 Union soldiers dead at Gettysburg on July 5, 1863. Timothy H. O'Sullivan/Library of Congr.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15
I hate the Fourth of July I hate the Fourth of July The Fourth once reminded us to ensure that all men are created equal. Here's what it's become now Jonathan Zimmerman Friday, Jul 4, 2014 08:43 PM +0900, SALON EnlargeParticipants carry a large U.S. flag at a Fourth of July Parade in Los Angeles, California, July 4, 2013. (Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn) I have a confession to make, my fellow Americans.. 美國, 韓美關係 2015.10.15