다시 읽고싶은 글 395

How war created civilization over the past 10,000 years—and threatens to destroy it in the next 40

The Slaughter Bench of History How war created civilization over the past 10,000 years—and threatens to destroy it in the next 40. Ian Morris Apr 11 2014, 1:38 PM ET, The Atlantic Monthly "The Course of Empire: Destruction," by Thomas Cole (Wikimedia Commons) I was 23 when I almost died in battle. It was September 26, 1983, around 9:30 in the evening. I was hunched over a..

2006년에 예측한 이 글 South Korea: Look east to see the future of the internet

South Korea: Look east to see the future of the internet A tech-savvy government, the highest broadband penetration rate in the world, and a nation of restless young cyber-activists make South Korea the most fascinating media laboratory on the planet. David McNeill reports from Seoul Published: 20 November 2006 The Independent Internet futurists often like to imagine a sort of..