中國, 韓.中關係

중국 현대사 주요사건 일지(그림.사진 및 설명) (3)

이강기 2015. 10. 16. 18:10
The earliest medal in China was designed by Zongli yamen

2月03日 The earliest medal in China was designed by Zongli yamen

February 3, 1861, the regulations of Zongli yamen were reported for approval. Zongli yamen is the institution in charge of diplomacy in late Qing. It occupied a certain importance in modern history. Regarding its functions, you may refer to our Bulletin: " The Daily Life and Official Career of a Zongli Yamen Secretary: Chengzhai Riji and Yang Yizhi ", by Li Wenjie
An Illustration of birds discovered by Robert Swinhoe

2月04日 An Illustration of birds discovered by Robert Swinhoe

February 4, 1865, Robert Swinhoe was promoted to be consul in Takao. Swinhoe's records in diplomacy are not as significant as his contributions to natural history. Over 1/3 of today's recorded bird species in Taiwan are first reported by him. Observing birds and hunting birds are both British customs. They also brought the custom from Britain to China. For details you may refer to our research finding: Ning Jennifer Chang, “Cultural Conflicts in the British Community in China: Shanghai ‘Sportsmen’ vs. the ‘Bird Slaughterers’ , 1890-1920”.
The Golden pot used to decide the succeeders of the Tibetan Hutukutu

2月05日 The Golden pot used to decide the succeeders of the Tibetan Hutukutu

Febrauary 5, 1940, the Nationalist government approved that Lhamo Thondup to be Dalai Lama XIV. The Qianlong Emperor created the method to decide who will be the succeeding Hutukutu among the candidates of xubligan. This method strengthened Qing's control over Tibet. After the fall of Qing, despite there were always some opinions that Tibet should become independent, the ROC government utilized the traditional ritual to maintain its political relations with Tibet. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Zhu Li-shuang, "Reality and Representation: The Specially Appointed High Envoy of the Nationalist Government and the Recognition of the 14th Dalai Lama".
Poster for the Axis Powers

2月06日 Poster for the Axis Powers

February 6, 1922, Nine-Power Treaty was signed in Washington D.C. This treaty admitted that ROC succeeded the whole sovereignty of all the lands left by the Qing empire. This treaty also pushed the stop of British-Japanese Alliance. Japan was extremely disappointed at the results. From then on, Japan took a rather radical diplomatic policy which finally made Japan suffered the disasters caused by WWII. Regarding the international background of Japan's stimulation of the Mukden Incident after the treaty, you may refer to our research finding: Huang Tzu-chin, "Appealing to World Opinion: The League of Nations’ Discussion of the Mukden Incident, 1931-1933".
Chinese and Japanese beating each other in the Nagasaki Accident

2月07日 Chinese and Japanese beating each other in the Nagasaki Accident

February 7, 1887, the negotiation on Nagasaki Accident came to an end. The court ordered the Envoy Xu Gongzu to sign on the agreement. Nagasaki Accident is one of the earliest diplomatic negotiations involved in modern forensic medicine. China's media, on the other hand, had commented on the accident based on Chinese forensics. Regarding the contexts of Chinese and Western forensics in history, you may refer to our research finding: Chang Che-chia, “Knowledge and Practice in ‘Traditional Chinese Forensic Medicine’ ”.
Guo Songtao visited the Universal Exposition in Paris

2月08日 Guo Songtao visited the Universal Exposition in Paris

 February 8, 1877, Guo Songtao had an audience to Queen Victoria. He presented Letter of credence and apologized for the Margary Affair. London Times paid much attention for Guo. Guo is the first embassy in the late Qing as well as a person with precognition to the importance of Western learning. However, his contemporary people could hardly recognized him and frustrated him for the last years of his life. For details of his biographic information, you may refer to our research finding: Lu Pao-ch’ien, Chronological Biography of Kuo Sung-t’ao: Corrections and Supplementary Materials.
A Russian Communist Propaganda Painting on Damdin Sukhbaatar meeting Lenin

2月09日 A Russian Communist Propaganda Painting on Damdin Sukhbaatar meeting Lenin

February 9, 1921, Bogd Khan claimed Mongol was an independent country. 12 days later, Russian and Mongolian chiefs met in Kulue and decided to establish the "Great Mongolian Empire". This authority had intimate relationship with the White Russians. Five months later. The Red army dispelled the white army, making the khan as constitutional monarch and had the leader of Mongolian People's Party, Sukhbaatar as the military minister. Mongol started being communized. Mongol's repeating claiming independence is partly due to the involvement of foreign powers, and partly related to the issue of identity. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chang Chi-hsiung, "Independent Outermongolia": National Identity and Controverses over Its Sovereignty,1911-1913".

2月10日  "Haixing (Starfish)" carried the secret mission to ship gold and silver to Taiwan

FeFebruary 10, 1949, Central bank had the reserved gold and silver shipped to Amoy and Taiwan. Captal is important for ruling a country. Grasping gold and silver was particularly considered as essential strategy of statecraft. Regarding silver's importance to the world as well as China in the nineteenth century, you may refer to our research finding: Lin Man-houng, China Upside Down: Currency, Society, and Ideologies, 1808-1856.
Binjiang's Anti-plague hospital in 1911

2月11日 Binjiang's Anti-plague hospital in 1911

February 11, Japanese Canto Governor Oojima Yoshimasa met China's governor-in-general Xiliang to discuss the methods to prevent plague through cooperation. Preventing plague is not merely a medical issue. It is also concerned with social mobilization and national authority. China proved itself capable of dealing with such issues in the 1911 Manchurian Plague. This fact impressed the Great Powers. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Du Lihong, ” Leadership Stuggles over Epidemic Preventive in Harbin, 1910-1911”.
An oracle in the modern Chinese history

2月12日 An oracle in the modern Chinese history

February 12, 1912, the Qing's Xuantong Emperor abdicated. The Qing Dynasty came to an end. China has a tradition to circulate oracles to predict, or even influence falls of dynasties. There was no exceptions in the late Qing. This should be considered an interesting and particular cultural phenomenon in Chinese history. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Hok-lan Chan, “Liu Bowen and the Folk Stories ‘Killing the Tartars on Mid-Autumn Day’ ”.
Russian T-26 Tank sold to ROC not restricted by the Arm Embargo

2月13日 Russian T-26 Tank sold to ROC not restricted by the Arm Embargo

February 13, 1925, Feng Yuxiang purchased a considerable amount of arms from Russia. The background of this event is that the great powers conceded to set an embargo from selling arms to China before its unification. however, the losers in the WWI, such as Russia and Germany, had no obligation to this agreement. Finally the concession could not continue. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chen Tsun-kung, The China Arms Embargo, 1919-1929.
T.V. Soong and the empty treasury

2月14日 T.V. Soong and the empty treasury

February 14, 1947, members of the legislative Yuan push Song Ziwen to resign. Around the same time, Fu Sinian denounced Song and his family's capital. The failure of economy was one of the essential reason for KMT to lose China. Many people accused this failure to the Kong-Song families which directed economic affairs at that time. In fact, the important figure, Song Ziwen, was familiar with international affairs thus the failure should have more details to explore. After many years' simple blaming, nowadays scholars could discuss his policy thinking with less emotions. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Cheng Hwei-shing, "From Controlled Economy to Open Markets: The Foreign Trade Policy of the Post-War National Government".
Surrender of the British army in Singapore, 1942

2月15日 Surrender of the British army in Singapore, 1942

February 15, 1942, Singapore's British army surrendered to Japan. There were quite a lot of overseas Chinese in Singapore loyal to China and Kuomintang. They donated much money for the war against Japan. However, at this point they turned to be also under the Japanese occupation. Regarding the overseas Chinese people's links with CHina, you may refer to our Bulletin: Wang Gungwu, “ ‘Party-State Democracy’ : Three Generations of Overseas Chinese between Enthusiasm and Skepticism”.
Poster of propaganda for the

2月16日 Poster of propaganda for the "Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere"

February 16, 1942, Japanese prime minister, Tojo Hideki, announced in the Diet that Japan was going to release East Asia (from the control of Western powers). "Great East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" is Japan's aggressive project of dispelling Western powers and coordinated East Asia into an economic body under Japan. For survival, many merchants in Japan's controlled area found their way to accomodate the Japanese order. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Xiaohong Xiao-Planes, “ ‘Chinese Capitalists in Japan’s New Order’ : Parks M. Coble, Chinese Capitalists in Japan’s New Order: The Occupied Lower Yangzi, 1937-1945”.
Posters of the Third International's propaganda

2月17日 Posters of the Third International's propaganda

February 17, 1926, Hu Hanmin attended the Enlarged Conference of the executive committee of the Third International. Hu expressed that Kuomintang was willing to keep connections with the Third International. The cooperation between Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist was a result of Sun Yat-sen's agreement. For details you may refer to our research finding: Li Yu-chen, Sun Yat-sen and the Communist International.
Materials used by PUMC Hospital to encoffin Sun Yat-sen

2月18日 Materials used by PUMC Hospital to encoffin Sun Yat-sen

February 18, 1925, under the condition that doctors judged that Sun Yat-sen suffered an incurable disease, Sun moved from the Peking Union Medical College's Hospital to the Iron Lion Lane's Mr. Gu's residence. The hospital was affiliated to PUMC founded by US's Rockefeller Foundation. It contributed considerably to China's medical modernization. Regarding its activities of education and healing, you may refer to of our oral history: Hsiung Ping-chen and Cheng Li-jung, Records of interviews with Mr. Yang Wenda.
Propaganda of the New Life Movement

2月19日 Propaganda of the New Life Movement

February 19, 1934, Chiang Kai-shek promoted "The New Life Movement" in Nanchang. This is the commence of the term. New Life Movement was enthusiastically promoted by Chiang. This movement not only advocated the Four Virtues, but also emphasized order and cleanness, which was related to the military purposes at that time. For details you may refer to our research finding: Sean Hsiang-lin Lei, “Habituating the Four Virtues: Ethics, Family, and the Body in the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaigns and the New Life Movement”.
Receipt of donation to Association of Protecting the Emperor

2月20日 Receipt of donation to Association of Protecting the Emperor

February 20, 1903, Liang Qichao accepted the invitation of Association of Protecting the Emperor in North America, and departed from Yokohama to Canada. In the late Qing, other than the revolutionist, some constitutionalists also cooperated with overseas Chinese and got involved in political activities. They are also worth political historians' attentions. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Kuo Mei-fen, “ ‘Huaqiao’ Narratives and Political Alliances of Urban Chinese-Australian Communities in the Early Twentieth Century”.
Military training in a Women's school

2月21日 Military training in a Women's school

February 21, 1906, ministry of education received Empress Dowager Cixi's allocution to promote women's education. Since the late Qing, it gradually became a common opinion that women should receive education. However, in practice the popularization still endured a long process. Regarding the practices of women's education in the early Republican period, you may refer to our interviews with a lady who acted as president of a women's primary school: Spring Silkworm Spins till Its Death: The Reminiscences of Ms. Shao Meng-lan.
Criminal punishment in the Qing Dynasty: Chopping in half

2月22日 Criminal punishment in the Qing Dynasty: Chopping in half

February 22, 1909, the court requested the relevant office to carefully review the malpractices in lawsuits and prisons, and verify the codes of laws as soon as possible. Judicial reform is one of the late Qing's new policy. It opened the first step of China's modernization in laws. The related researches could be found in our research fellow's book review: Sun Huei-min, “Xiaoqun Xu, Trial of Modernity: Judicial Reform in Early Twentieth-Century China, 1901-1937”.
Luxurious boat of a Qing merchant

2月23日 Luxurious boat of a Qing merchant

February 23, 1928, the Beijing government decided to collect special tax on luxurious consumption. Modern economics considers that consumption stimulate economy. However, luxury and consumption had no clear boundary. How to define "luxury", and how to consider it? These questions are often discussed, and have been noticed in the Late Imperial China. For details you may refer to our research finding: Wu Jen-shu, Women of luxury – Women’s Consumer Culture of the Jiangnan region (area south of the Yangtse) in the Ming-Qing period.
A Qing Dynasty's stamp

2月24日 A Qing Dynasty's stamp

February 24, 1949, Post Office announced that from two days later on, the whole country would resume postal delivery. From the traditional to the modern post system, there had a struggling process. For details of the practical situation, you may refer to of our oral history: Shen Yun-lung and Lin Chuan, Records of interviews with Mr. Liu Chenghan.
Forensic examination of the Nanchang Missionary Case of 1906

2月25日 Forensic examination of the Nanchang Missionary Case of 1906

February 25, 1906, because Jiang Shaotang, magistrate of the Nanchang county, suffered fatal injuries in the throat after negotiation in Catholic church, riot aroused to kill priests and destroyed their belongings. This event finally closed by compensation paid by the Qing. Because there left Chinese and Western forensic reports on Jiang's corpse, and this was the first time media utilized photograph to report in China, this missionary case is special in forensic and media history of modern China. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Chang Chiu-wen, “The Nanchang Missionary Case of 1906”.

2月26日 "Marine Tiger" Submarine of the ROC Navy

February 26, 1917, Germany announced the limitless submarine policy. US accordingly broke its diplomatic relations with Germany, and China's cabinet decided to join the Allied Powers. Submarine is a modernized weapon. ROC navy did not have such a weapon until the government moved to Taiwan. Regarding the establishment of the submarine troop, you may refer to our published historical material: General Liu Guangkai’s memoirs
The Signing of Kanghwa Treaty in 1876

2月27日 The Signing of Kanghwa Treaty in 1876

February 27, 1876, Japan and Korea signed the Kanghwa Treaty. This is Korea's first unequal treaty, granting consular jurisdiction to Japan, and denying Korea's role in the Chinese tribute system. This treaty was the first step of Korea's future annexation in 1910. Regarding the diplomatic relations among China, Japan, and Korea in the late Qing period, you may refer to our historical material: Historical Materials on Diplomatic Relations among China, Japan, and Korea (1864-1911).
Memorial Monument of the February 28 Incident

2月28日 Memorial Monument of the February 28 Incident

February 28, 1947, because of an inquisition of illegal tobacco, there bursted out conflicts between the army and people and many people died accordingly. This incident is later called the February 28 Incident. It is a tragedy in Taiwan's modern history, the scars left by the suffering are not yet recovered completely. Regarding the reasons and sacrifice's number, there are no agreement by now. Our colleagues-- Huang Ko-wu, Chu Hung-yuan, and Chen Yi-shen-- provided research findings from various aspects. Furthermore, the institute compiled the relevant historical materials February 28th Incident Material Collection, and made oral history for future scholars' further studies.
Total Mobilization!

2月29日 Total Mobilization!

February 29, 1936, the nationalist government announced the conscription law, putting conscription into practice on the next day. Conscription is an important foundation for modern national mobilization. From the Late Qing on, China had discussed to adopt conscription, but only as late as the eve of the Second Sino-Japanese War it was finally achieved. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chao Chung-fu, The Role of the Nilitary in the Process of Modernization During the Late Ch'ing.
 Postcard of Beijing's famous prostitute

3月01日  Postcard of Beijing's famous prostitute

March 1, 1930, Hangzhou held the method to abolishing prostitutes by drawing lots. From the viewpoint of government, the prostitute is crime and objects to be controlled. on the other hand, most prostitutes are not volunteer to choose the occupation. Every single prostitute has her specific life course to become so. In the past, historians tended to ignore the individual aspect. However, nowadays scholars tried to present personal life story in history. For example, you may refer to our research fellow Yu Chien-ming etc. eds. Re-reading Chinese women's life story. About the issue of prostitute, Beverly Bossler's "Imagining Chastity: from chaste prostitute to faithful wife" in the book.
Liquidating great landlords

3月02日 Liquidating great landlords

March 2, 1927, Hubei announced the Temporary Ordinance for Great Landlords and Bad Gentlemen. The Communist's major solicitations are liquidating great landlords and against exploitation, therefore they won many people's heart. Their success also suggests that there existed considerable conflicts in China's old society. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chen Yao-huang, "A Critical Overview of Western Research on the History of the Chinese Communist Revolution in Rural China during the Past Thirty Years".
Three People's Principles are

3月03日 Three People's Principles are "Killing People's Principles"

March 3, 1932, Sun Ke blamed Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei with telegram, saying that he could hardly take the responsibilities of harming the country with them. The republican political history's major sides are Kuomindang and Communist though, there are many people neither left nor right. We must discern them in details so as to grasp the political history completely. For details you may refer to our research finding: Li Ta-chia, “Between the Left and the Right: The Guomindang and Guangdong Merchants during the First United Front, 1924-1925”.
The Jin Merchant's Tealeaves Advertisement in the Early Republican Period

3月04日 The Jin Merchant's Tealeaves Advertisement in the Early Republican Period

March 4, 1862, Sino-Russian Regulation of Overland Trade was signed in Beijing. Qing and Russia traded in Kyakhta. Russia coveted China's tealeaves and rhubarb so that they could gain considerable profits in the Western European market. Other than the maritime trade in Canton, Kyakhta trade's overland trade is also important. The Jin merchants who controlled the tealeaves trade remained many precious materials. For details you may refer to our research finding: "The Sino-Russian tealeaves trade in the latter half of the Nineteenth century".
Electric train of the old Shanghai

3月05日 Electric train of the old Shanghai

March 5, 1908, electric train of the Shanghai concession started running. Today's people could hardly imagine the metropolitan life without electric train or subway. Modern constructions played essential roles in the city planning today. These are also useful in understanding the modern history of cities. For details you may refer to our oral history: Records of Interviews with Pioneers in Taiwan’s Urban Planning.
An early poster on air defense

3月06日 An early poster on air defense

March 6, 1936, Central Aero-engineering School was established. It later developed to today's AIr Force Institute of Technology, and educated many leaders for the Air Force. Regarding the school's early development, you may refer to our research finding: Records of interviews with Mr. Lao Shenghuan.
The battle to capture Jehangir

3月07日 The battle to capture Jehangir

March 7, 1829, since the rebellion of Jehangir in Xinjiang was pacified, there erected a tablet to mark the achievement. The conflicts between Qing and the area adjacent to the border of Xinjiang and Central Asia were usually called "Rebellion" by China. However, their identification was quite complicated. The recognition kept on changing even after the fall of the Qing. Other than the ambiguity in historical facts, diplomatic consideration was also a consideration. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Lin Hsiao-ting, "The Tributary System and Historical Imagination: China and Kanjut, 1761-1963".
Pope learns about astrology

3月08日 Pope learns about astrology

March 8, 1835, Ruan Yuan was appointed Grand Secretariat. He was top of politic and academic world at the same time. As a major figure in the evidential research tradition, Ruan was not only familiar with traditional texts, but also know about astronomy and mathematics taught by the Jesuits. For details you may refer to our research finding: Wang Ping, "Ruan Yuan and Chouren zhuan".
Part of a Qing navigation chart

3月09日 Part of a Qing navigation chart

March 9, 1826, Tao Shu went to Shanghai himself to supervise marine transportation. one of his chief accomplishment is to use marine shipping to smooth the food supply from the lower Yangzi delta to Beijing. About his records in governing, you may refer to our research finding: Wei Hsiu-mei, Tao Shu in the Lower Yangzi Delta.
Chiang Kai-shek read his own China's Destiny

3月10日 Chiang Kai-shek read his own China's Destiny

March 10, 1943, Chiang Kai-shek's book China's Destiny was published. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Nationalist and the Communist stopped fighting in appearance, but in fact they never stopped attacking each other. China's Destiny severely blamed Communism. This book continued to be important source of anti-Communist thoughts after KMT moved to Taiwan. Regarding the two parties' competition in propaganda, you may refer to our research finding: Pan Kuang-che, "Kuo Mo-jo and “Chia-shen San-pai-nien-chi”(Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Chia-shen Year)"
Shoes for Foot-binding

3月11日 Shoes for Foot-binding

March 11, 1912, President Sun urged the female people not to practice foot-binding. Foot-binding is unique in Chinese custom. It tortured Chinese female for nearly one thousand years. Certainly gender historians are concerned with this issue. More than that, recently scholars developed a new approach to review it from the aspect of technology. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Miao Yen-wei, "Visual Technologies and the Representation of Footbinding in Late-Qing China".
Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II

3月12日 Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II

March 12, 1917, the Russian revolution broke up and overthrew Tsai Nicolas II. This revolution and its later development influenced not only Russia but also the world. Regarding the revolution's direct reflections in China's historical materials, you may refer to our compiled archives: Historical Materials on Sino-Russian Relations:The Russian Revolution.
Empress Dowager Cixi relieved the Xi'an people by giving food

3月13日 Empress Dowager Cixi relieved the Xi'an people by giving food

March 13, 1903, the court ordered Duanfang to take the responsibilities as Governor of Shaanxi. When Cixi and the Guangxu emperor escaped to Xi'an in 1900, Duanfang well toke care of them. From then on Duanfang got promotions smoothly. He was one of the late Qing governors who were enthusiastic in reforms. He left certain contributions to China's new education. Our institute compiled his writings for scholar's reference : Extant papers of Tao Zhai (Duanfang).
Tan Yankai and Xu Beihong's cooperated fan “Shepard's Pipe; on Calligraphy

3月14日 Tan Yankai and Xu Beihong's cooperated fan “Shepard's Pipe; on Calligraphy"

March 14, 1928, Tan Yankai was elected as Proxy Chairman. Tan is a politician in the late Qing and early Republican period. He has assumed important offices such as chairman of the National government, the first premier. He was also deep in calligraphy, Buddhism, marksmanship, and food taste. His diary is a valuable witness of the early republican history. For details you may check our digital database: Diary of Tan Yankai.
Cinnamon recorded by Western naturalists as reference of China's agricultural resources

3月15日 Cinnamon recorded by Western naturalists as reference of China's agricultural resources

March 15, 1940, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was established. In the late Qing, despite the government was poor, China itself hold rich natural resources which was coveted by great powers. Establishing relevant governmental sections was for developing these resources for China's nation and people. Regarding the postwar development of forestry in Taiwan, you may refer to our published historial material:  The Memoirs of Yen-han Hu.
The Lost Port Arthur in the Sino-Japanese War, 1894

3月16日 The Lost Port Arthur in the Sino-Japanese War, 1894

March 16, 1883, Li Hongzhang ordered to have Port Arthor to be constructed. Port Arthor is an excellent harbor. Japan and Russia have coveted it for a long time. Regarding its construction, you may refer to our Bulletin: Wang Chia-chien, "A Study on the Building of Port Arthur(1880-1890)".
An illustration of preparing herbs in the Qing Dynasty

3月17日 An illustration of preparing herbs in the Qing Dynasty

March 17, 1929, because the nationalist government had the proposal to abolish traditional Chinese medicine. 300 representatives gathered in Shanghai to pledge for canceling the decision, and they succeeded. The conflicts of between Chinese and Western medicine are a miniature of China's modernization. The points are not simply scientific, but are also involved in cultural and political factors. For example you may refer to our research finding: Sean Hsiang-lin Lei, “From Changshan to a New Anti-malarial Drug: Re-networking Chinese Drugs and Excluding Traditional Doctors”.
The Number 1 Garden in Shanghai -- Zhang Garden

3月18日 The Number 1 Garden in Shanghai -- Zhang Garden

March 18, 1915, an anti-Japanese meeting was gathered in Shanghai's Zhang Garden. The number of the gathered people exceeded 30,000. They decided to resist Japanese products and save money for saving the country. As a special space in the city, garden's public functions caught scholars' interests. Other than Shanghai, there are several examples. For details you may refer to our research finding: Wu Jen-shu, "Gardens and Urban Society: A Social-historical Analysis of Suzhou Gardens during the Ming and Qing Dynasties".
Cartoon against Chiang Kai-shek and the core members in his group

3月19日 Cartoon against Chiang Kai-shek and the core members in his group

March 19, 1948, some representatives of the National Assembly requested for certificate of election, and negotiated with KMT's powerful figure Chen Lifu. Chen Guofu and Lifu brothers had close relation with Chiang Kai-shek, and thus grasped great powers within KMT. Qi Shiying, who was ordered by Chen Lifu to take charge of the party affairs in Manchuria was familiar with Chen's activities in the party. For details you may refer to our oral history: Records of interviews with Mr. Qi Shiying.
The salvaged and restored warcraft Zhongshan

3月20日 The salvaged and restored warcraft Zhongshan

March 20, 1926, Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Huangpu Military school announced a small stage of siege. He disarmed Russian advisor's troop and withheld warcraft Zhongshan. Zhou Enlai was arrested for a brief time. This is called Warcraft Zhongshan event. Until today there are still many things unclear about this event. Anyhow, this event is an important milestone in Chinag's career to seize the power, and also shows the sign of KMT and CCP's future departure. Regarding this event and Chiang's career, you may refer to a book review in our Bulletin: Wang Ke-wen, "Jin Yilin, Top-Level Factional Politics in the Guomindang: How Chiang Kai-shek Consolidated His Position as 'Supreme Leader'".
Uncle Sam kicked Chinese off

3月21日 Uncle Sam kicked Chinese off

March 21, 1852, a British ship smuggled 475 pigs from Amoy heading for San Francisco to compensate the labor in scarcity. Chinese labors contributed great to the construction of Western US though, they were discriminated for a long time, and were even suppressed by the Anti-Chinese Bill. only until recently the US government officially apologized. Regarding the bloody history of overseas Chinese labors, you may refer to our compiled material: Historical Materials on the Emigration of Chinese Workers in the Late Qing (1836-1910).
Never forget the Teachings left by Sun Yat-sen even when watching beauties

3月22日 Never forget the Teachings left by Sun Yat-sen even when watching beauties

March 22, 1925, KMT elites Hu Hanmin, Liao Zhongkai, Xu Chongzhi, Tan Yankai, and Chiang Kai-shek used telegram to declare that they would continue to follow the will of Sun Yat-sen to keep on revolutions. Under the KMT rules, Sun Yat-sen's teaching was not only ultimate political rules, but also highest academic canons. It is also a meaningful issue regarding how the KMT dealt with politics and academy. Regarding Chinese intellectuals's situation in the political atmosphere, you may refer to our research finding: Huang Ko-wu, "Chiang Kai-shek and He Lin".
Mr. Yuan is fishing

3月23日 Mr. Yuan is fishing

 March 23, 1916, Yuan Shikai announced to cancel the reign name Hongxian. This year was still Republican 5th year. Not long later he passed away in disgrace. In his earlier years, Yuan contributed greatly to the Qing Empire, and the famous figures such as Li Hongzhang highly evaluated him. Regretfully he coveted the throne and defamed himself. Even though, Yuan is still an important figure in modern history. Regarding his characters, his personal letters should be useful references. For details you may refer to our collected materials: Letters from Yuan Shi-kai
The books shown by the Hubei official printing office in the St. Louis Universal Exposition in 1904

3月24日 The books shown by the Hubei official printing office in the St. Louis Universal Exposition in 1904

March 24, 1896, Sun Jianai reported the regulations for official publishing. There is a long history in China for official publishing. The purposes used to be largely spread the teachings or knowledge agreeable to the government. This tradition further transformed in the modern period. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Lai Hon Kei, "Official Publishing and Forced Distribution -A Study of Publication Policy in the Early People’s Republic of China".
Indonesian Chinese fought against the Dutch soldier

3月25日 Indonesian Chinese fought against the Dutch soldier

March 25, 1947, Nederland signed an agreement with Republic of Indonesia, formally recognized its independence. In Indonesia, Javanese people are superior in culture and politics, while Chinese are minority with economic power. Since the Dutch colonial, there broke up some Anti-Chinese accident. The ethnic conflicts continues to today. Regarding the anti-Chinese history after the WWII in Indonesia, you may refer to our publication: Chiu Cheng-ou, Recorded facts of the anti-Chinese policies of the Sukarno era in Indonesia.
The Nationalist army defeated Chen Jiongming in Mianhu

3月26日 The Nationalist army defeated Chen Jiongming in Mianhu

March 26, 1922, Sun Yat-sen decided to retreat the army back to Canton because of Chen Jiongming's interruptions. Chiang Kai-shek supported Sun's decision. Chen Jiongming was the serious obstacle to the early KMT authority. Defeating Chen's power established Chiang Kai-shek's future in politics. Regarding Chen Jiongming and his breaking up with Sun, you may refer to his subordinate's memories: Records of interviews with Mr. Mo Jipeng.
Memorial Monument for Wang Zhilong, Financial Supporter of the Anfu Club

3月27日 Memorial Monument for Wang Zhilong, Financial Supporter of the Anfu Club

March 27, 1917, 11 political groups under Duan Qirui organized "Zhonghe Club". This is the forerunner of the famous "Anfu club". Anfu Club was in fact a political party in the early Republic. Regarding its functioning and failure, you may refer to our research finding: Chang Peng-yuan, "The Anfu National Assembly Election: on Corruption as one Big Stumbling-block to Democracy".
Madame Chiang conciliated countless Chinese women's heart during the War

3月28日 Madame Chiang conciliated countless Chinese women's heart during the War

March 28, 1943, Madame Chiang spoke to the American people on air, so as to urge them to support Chinese War against Japan. Madame Chiang was extremely important to the Chiang Kai-shek's regime, no matter in domestic or diplomatic affairs. Her role was also interesting to political historians and gender scholars. For details you may refer to our RWMCH: Shih Chih-yu, "Madam Chiang Kai-shek and the state nature of China-the construction of post-colonial patriarchal culture".
The Yellow Flower Mound Revolt

3月29日 The Yellow Flower Mound Revolt

March 29, 1911, the Chinese United League launched a revolt in Guangzhou. Despite this action proved to be another failure, its result agitated more Chinese people's sense of revolution, and established a better foundation for the soon later Wuchang Revolution. Later, Republic of China's government announced this day as the Youth Day in memorial of the revolt. Regarding the details of the revolt, you may refer to the memory of a participant. For details please refer to our oral history: Interviews with Mr. Mo Jipeng, and Interviews with Mr. Ma Chaojun.
Site of the Airentang Drugstore where Yang Naiwu was falsely accused to buy arsenic poison for murder

3月30日 Site of the Airentang Drugstore where Yang Naiwu was falsely accused to buy arsenic poison for murder

March 30, 1877, Yang Naiwu and Xiaobaicai's criminal case's review came to an end. They were set free from the sentence of death because of the acuse of adultery. This case is one of the Four Great Cases in late Qing. The development of the story is extremely dramatic. However, if the new-styled media Shenbao was not involved and if the Yangs had insufficient patience and money, they would be judged unjustly. Through the analysis of the cases of adultery, it would help scholars to learn more about gender and family in traditional Chinese society. For details you may refer to our research finding: Lai Hui-min and Hsu Ssu-lin, "Lust and Punishment: historical re-coding of the cases of adultery in Early Qing, 1644-1795)", and our Database on revalent documents based on the Qing Cabinet Archives.
General Sun ran into French Admiral Colbert at his night watch in Danshui

3月31日 General Sun ran into French Admiral Colbert at his night watch in Danshui

March 31, 1885, French Admiral Colbert seized Penghu. Later he died there. Taiwan is one of the main battlefields of the Sino-French War. The military coordination influenced the historical development of Taiwan. For details you may refer to our research finding:Hsu Hsueh-chi, "Situation in Taiwan during the Late Ch'ing Dynasty".
Poster on New Democratic Revolution

4月01日 Poster on New Democratic Revolution

April 1, 1948, Mao Zedong proposed the strategy for the New Democratic Revolution. In the important document "General outline" of the early Communist regime, New Democracy was granted an essential status. However, this situation changed only within a few years. This abrupt change suggests adjustment of the powers within the CCP. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Li Fu-chung, "Why the Chinese Communist Party Abandoned the New Democracy in 1950s".
Site of Southwest Union University which was famous in the Anti-Japanese War period

4月02日 Site of Southwest Union University which was famous in the Anti-Japanese War period

April 2, 1938, the universities of Beijing, Tsinghua, and Nan-kai jointly reorganized Southwest Union University in Kunming. This is the representative university during the anti-Japanese War period. China's academic spirits and higher education endured the tough period in the wartime. For details you may refer to our research finding: Hu Kuo-tai, "Educational Funds and the Quality of China's Higher Education During the war of Resistance Against Japan, 1937-1945".
Bill of People's Government of the Tannu Uriankhai

4月03日 Bill of People's Government of the Tannu Uriankhai

April 3, 1921, Tannu Uriankhai was lost. Tannu Uriankhai became a part of China in the Qianlong reign. It was seized by Russia when the Outer Mongolia declared independent in 1911. In 1919 China once recovered it, but up to this time Tannu Uriankhai was again lost to the Russians. From then on China never effectively control this land. However, PRC government never abandoned the authority. Regarding the institutions in the Qing period, you may refer to our research finding: Li Yu-shu, An Examination of Religion and the State of the Outer Mongolia. As for the negotiations with Russia, you may refer to our published historical sources recorded by the Embassy in Russia from 1942 to 1944: Diary of Foo Ping-sheung, 1943.
A Qing painting on

4月04日 A Qing painting on "Children at play"

April 4, 1934, China jointly celebrated Children's Day of the World's Children's Year. The Xingzhengyuan decided to have the very day to be Children's Day from the next year on. Highly evaluating children is a new phenomenon in the modern world. It is only recently that Taiwan's historians starting research on children's history. For details you may refer to our research finding: Hsiang Ping-chen, "Children's Health as Noted by the Educated Elite n the Late Imperial China”.
People welcomed Xiao Chaogui, Western Prince of the Taiping's Heavenly Kingdom

4月05日 People welcomed Xiao Chaogui, Western Prince of the Taiping's Heavenly Kingdom

April 5, 1837, Hong Xiuquan "ascended to the Heaven". During his illness he ran into a spiritual experience: seeing a person in high status granted him the responsibilities to destroy evils. Later he identified what he saw were God and Jesus in Christian. Upon this he created "Association of Worshiping the God", and later developed into "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom". Other than this great scaled rebellions, spiritual experiences influenced modern China's fate in political and intellectual spheres in various aspects. For details you may refer to our research finding: Huang Ko-wu, "Research into Spiritualism in Early Republican Shanghai: A Study of the Shanghai Spiritualism Society".
Code of Arms of Far Eastern Republic

4月06日 Code of Arms of Far Eastern Republic

April 6, 1922, Far Eastern Republic was established. This republic is a puppy authority set by the Soviet Russin so as to make a buffer state from the Japanese power. However, the earliest Sino-Soviet diplomacy was mainly carried out in the name of this Republic. For details you may refer to our research finding: Wang Yee-chun, The Advent of Diplomatic Relations between China and the Soviet Union.
The Victory of Taierzhuang

4月07日 The Victory of Taierzhuang

April 7, 1938, the Nationalist army won the Battle of Taierzhuang. This is China's first victory during the Anti-Japanese War. Regarding the details of the battle, you may refer to a participant's memo recorded by our institute's interview: Interviews of Mr. Shih Chueh.
Battle of the Wei River during the Shaan-Gan Muslim's Uprisings

4月08日 Battle of the Wei River during the Shaan-Gan Muslim's Uprisings"

April 8, 1873, the Shaanxi Muslim Bai Yanwu escaped out of the Jiayu Pass to Xinjiang. The "Shaan-Gan Muslim's Rebellions" came to an end. Later Zuo Zongtang continued to march to Xinjiang to pacify the rebellion. For details of the battle, you may refer to our research finding: Lee En-han, "Tso Tsung-Tang's Military Campaign Against the Muslim Uprising in Shaansi and Kansu Provinces, 1866-1873".
Image of the meeting of Green Standard in the Jinmen

4月09日 Image of the meeting of Green Standard in the Jinmen

April 9, 1906, the court ordered that the Green Standard all switched to be police. Green Standard was for a certain long time the main force of the Qing's military power. Thus it is one of the essential topic of the modern military history. For details you may refer to our research finding:Hsu Hsueh-chi, The Green Standard in Taiwan during the Ch'ing Dynasty.
Transparent blue glass bottle collected by the Qing palace

4月10日 Transparent blue glass bottle collected by the Qing palace

April 10, 1850, USA missionary W. A. P. Martin first arrived in China. Martin devoted himself in translating and knowledge transmissions. He introduced many Western things and contributed to the changes of knowledge and factual life in China. For example, today commonly used glass existed in China for a long time, however, for the common people, it was also thanks to Martin's introduction to popularize its uses. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Cao Nanping, "Glass and Everyday Life in Late Qing and Early Republican China".
The Yangmingdong in Xiuwen, Guizhou where Wang Shouren was banished from the court to stay here

4月11日 The Yangmingdong in Xiuwen, Guizhou where Wang Shouren was banished from the court to stay here

April 11, 1946, Chiang Kai-shek spoke to the Youth Army of Guizhou, and later paid a visit to the Yangmingdong in Xiuwen. Chiang repeatedly announced that he was a loyal follower of the Yangming's teaching. Wang Yangming had great influences on China's and Japan's modern intellectual history. Regarding its early development among Chinese gentry, you may refer to our research finding: Lu Miaw-fen, The Wang Yang-ming School during the Ming Dynasty: History, Thought, and Practice.
A fan painted by Ju Zheng

4月12日 A fan painted by Ju Zheng

April 12, 1949, Ju Zheng was appointed President of Academia Historica. Ju Zheng was one of the leaders of the 1912 Revolution. He endured many important posts in the Nationalist government, and contributed to China's legal system. The institute collected the works of his life, and published Chü Cheng Collected Works for historian's researches.
Kang Youwei's calligraphy

4月13日 Kang Youwei's calligraphy

April 13, 1898, for Kang Youwei the Zongli yamen reported the proposal to change the laws, which emphasized to abolish the bagu style essays for civil examinations. Kang also contributed Records of Japan's Change of Its Government etc. 3 books for the emperor's references. Despite Kang is a person of disputes, his important role in political and intellectual history is still cherished by historians. Besides, his calligraphy was also very famous. The Institute collected his writings Original Manuscripts of Kang Youwei for scholars' references.
Site of the blast furnace of the Han-Ye-Ping company

4月14日 Site of the blast furnace of the Han-Ye-Ping company

April 14, 1908, Sheng Xuanhuai reported to the court to have the Han-Ye-Ping company established. Han-Ye-Ping is the earliest official still works, so was it the largest one in Asia at that time. It is related to very rich natural resources and thus was often coveted by the Great Powers. Therefore, its interests became the target that different forces to compete for. For details you may refer to our research finding: Hsieh Kuo-hsing: "Disputes on the Ownerships of Hanyehping Coal and Iron Company, 1912-1915".
The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction succeed in developing quite a few useful technologies

4月15日 The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction succeed in developing quite a few useful technologies

April 15, 1948, the Taiwan Provincial government issued Regulation of Renting Private Land. This is an important step for the Taiwan's land reform and agricultural construction. Regarding the Construction of agriculture of the post-war Taiwan, the Joing Commission on Rural Reconstruction played an important role. The Institute publishes the oral history of relevant important figures: Huang Chun-chieh, The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, to reserve the precious historical sources.
Waterwheel placed in Zhang Jian's Graveyard

4月16日 Waterwheel placed in Zhang Jian's Graveyard

April 16, 1904, due to his success in establishing corporation, the court granted Zhang Jian with the title of Rank 3, and appointed him chief advisor of the Ministry of Trade. Zhang Jian won the first grade in the civili examination in 1894. He is not only famous for businessman, educator, but also a leader of the constitutional movement in late Qing. Regarding his influences in politics, you may refer to our Bulletin: Shen Yunlong, "The influence of Zhang Jian and Cheng Dequan before and after the founding of the ROC.".
The reconcilement of two countries: Chinese people mistook the Treaty of Shimonoseki was a result of Japan's failure

4月17日 The reconcilement of two countries: Chinese people mistook the Treaty of Shimonoseki was a result of Japan's failure

April 17, 1895, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed. The Qing empire abandoned its suzerainty over Korea, and ceded Taiwan to Japan. It is a turning point of the East Asian history. The influences are still visible today. Regarding the researches on this treaty, you may refer to our publication: Lin Tzu-hou, "Reconsideration of the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895".
Map of Nanjing as the new capital

4月18日 Map of Nanjing as the new capital

April 18, 1927, the Nanjing's Nationalist government was formally established. From then on up to the breakout of the Sino-Japanese War, there were ten years' relatively peaceful period for China to have a rest. Some people refer it as "The Golden Decade". Regarding the national development of this period, you may refer to the results of the Institute's conference: Collected Articles from the Conference on the History of State-building in the Decade Preceding the Sino-Japanese War.
Military Lin Wang which was brought to Taiwan by Sun Liren

4月19日 Military Lin Wang which was brought to Taiwan by Sun Liren

April 19, 1942, General Sun Liren dismissed the besiege of Yenangyaung, and saved 7,000 British soldiers. General Sun is one of the most outstanding general in the national army. Although later he was prisoned for a baseless accuse of mutiny, he was memorized by people. About his thoughts and personality, you may refer to our collected historical material: Collected Works of Genreal Sun Li-jen (1945-1954).
Badge of the Female Youth Brigade

4月20日 Badge of the Female Youth Brigade

April 20, 1945, the recruited female youth joined the army. When there is a need for the nation, both genders should devote themselves. Female soldiers have several cases in the modern history. The most eminent is the Female Youth Brigade which lasted for 56 years. The Institute conducted their oral interviews to keep the historical records: Female Youth Brigade.
Propaganda Painting about Communist Army's Crossing Yangtzu Battle

4月21日 Propaganda Painting about Communist Army's Crossing Yangtzu Battle

April 21, 1949, commander of the Jiangyin fortress, Dai Rongguang, rebelled and allowed the Communist troops to cross over the Yangtzu River. From then on the possibilities for KMT and CCP powers to border with the Yangtzu river diminished. Soon afterward the Nationalist government was forced to retreat to Taiwan. About the two forces' allocation across the Yangtzu River, General Ding Zhipan, when governing the Jiangsu Province, left some memories. For details you may refer to our oral history: Interviews with Mr. Ding Zhipan.
The Korean embassy was about to enter the Eastern Gate of Beijing

4月22日 The Korean embassy was about to enter the Eastern Gate of Beijing

April 22, 1887, the court honored Tang Shaoyi etc. for their contribution in helping Korea to establish the custom system for trade. Korea sent tributes to China is not only politically but also economically related. This special type of trade has been analyzed by our Institute's research findings. See: Chang Tsun-wu, Sino-Korean Trubutary Trade, 1637-1894.
Travel Routes in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation

4月23日 Travel Routes in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation

April 23, 1937, the international touristy, led by mayor of Tientsin Zhang Zizhong, departed for Japan. Tourism is usually considered to be nor more than private leisure. However, recently scholars noticed its meanings in the history of cultural interactions and consumptions. Especially in the modern history, a couple of important political and economic activities were perform in the form of tourism. Regarding the tourism in early modern China, you may refer to our research finding: Lu Shao-li, "Taiwanese tourism and the construction of geographic image in the Japanese occupation period", in Huang Ko-wu ed. When Images Speak: Visual Representation and Cultural Mapping in Modern China.
Badge of the Party of Progress

4月24日 Badge of the Party of Progress

April 24, 1913, Party of Progress was formally established, and Li Yuanhong was elected President. Party of Progress was an active party in early Republican periods. Despite it was not yet mature, this party still meant greatly to the history of constitution in Chinese history. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chang Yu-fa, "A Comparative Study on the Kuomintang and the Chinputang,1912-1913".
Woren's calligraphy

4月25日 Woren's calligraphy

April 25, 1867, Grand Secretariat Woren was appointed to serve in the zongli yamen. Despite Woren is a Mongolian, he was the loyalist New Confucianist and confronting westernization. His existence reflects the conflicts between Chinese and Western learnings and the multiple aspects of the ethnologic identity in late Qing. Regarding Woren's role, you may refer to our research finding: Lu Pao-chien, "On Woren".
A Life Insurance Calendar

4月26日 A Life Insurance Calendar

April 26, 1935, the Lifayuan established the laws of life insurance. Insurance is one of the new things introduced from the West. Today it became essential in daily social functioning. Regarding the establishment of insurance system in China, you may refer to our research finding: Wei Hsiu-mei, A Chronological Biography of Mr. Chao Tsu-yu.
Image of a Qing Tusi

4月27日 Image of a Qing Tusi

Gao Xiezeng reported to establish offices like in Chinese area and have soldiers to defende Zhandui, so as to protect Sichuan and pacify Tibet. The court asked Lu Chuanlin to carefully study this issue. Zhandui is located near Kangding. Qing's "Transferring Tusi to circulating office" policy is in fact endured a prolonged procesure. Regarding Qing's policy thinking in the Zhandui area, you may refer to our research finding: Chang Chiu-wen, "A Study of Lu Chuan-lin's Attempts to Recover Zhandui".
Copper Statue in memorial of the signature of Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty

4月28日 Copper Statue in memorial of the signature of Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty

April 28, 1952, Treaty of Taipei was signed in Taipei. This is a milestone in the post-war Sino-Japanese relations. There are several reasons for this treaty to be eventually signed up 7 years after the cease of WWII. Other than as a result of the international negotiations, it was deeply relevant to Chiang Kai-shek's personal prolonged connections to Japan. For details you may refer to our research finding: Huang Tzu-chin, Chiang Kai-shek and Japan: An Epitome of Modern Sino-Japanese History.
People's movement appealing for Independence of Korea

4月29日 People's movement appealing for Independence of Korea

April 29, 1932, members of Korean Independence Party detonated bombs in Hongkou Park, Shanghai, and hurt several Japanese generals of Army and Navy. Since the annexation, Korean people sought for independence urgently, and China became an important support to these Korean revolutionists. For details you may refer to our compiled historical material: Historical materials relating to the Republican government and the Korean independence movement.
Late Qing Matchbox painting: Selling Newspapers

4月30日 Late Qing Matchbox painting: Selling Newspapers

April 30, 1872, Shenbao was first issued. Despite China has its traditional way of circulating information via "newspapers" since long ago, the newly introduced media from the West in the Late Qing still broke through regarding broadcasting new ideas among the Chinese people. Shenbao, which was issued in Shanghai, was its representative. Regarding the new functions of such new media, you may refer to our Bulletin: Zhang Zhongmin, "Enlightening the Masses:Elite Discourse on Popular Reading Habits in the Late Qing Period".
Hey Market in Chicago under bombing in 1886

5月01日 Hey Market in Chicago under bombing in 1886

May 1, 1886, American workmen, centered in Chicago, carried out a great-scaled demonstration. Despite this event caused a tragedy in the hey market in Chicago, it serves also as a turning point for the world to seriously consider the labor issue, and also serves as the origin of the international labor day. In the nineteenth & twentieth century China, mainly an agricultural society though, was involved in this global trend without exception. KMT, at that time limited within the area of Canon, rightly seized this trend and found a new route to connect to labors to launch a new era for itself. For details you may refer to our research finding: Lu Fang-shang, "In Search of a Revolutionary Strategy: Pluralism and Diversity the Guomingdang, 1917-1926".
Gurkha pays tributes to China

5月02日 Gurkha pays tributes to China

May 2, 1908, Gurkha pays tributes to China and had an audience to the emperor. Gurkha is today's Nepal. Despite it fought with China twice in the Qianlong reign, eventually it became loyal to China, and was called "China's last tributary state". In the late Qing Gurkha contributed to defending Britain from its aggressive activities in Tibet. Regarding the relations among China, Gurkha, and Britain in the Qing Dynasty, you may refer to our publication: Fung Ming-chu, "Causes and Effects of the Battle of Gurkha-- the relations among Qing, Tibet, and British India in the late Eighteenth century", collected in our conference papers: Collected Articles from the Conference on the Early Period of Modern China.
Japanese soldiers in the Jinan Incident, 1928

5月03日 Japanese soldiers in the Jinan Incident, 1928

 May 3, 1928, excusing the Nationalist Revolutionay army, which was in the way of North Expedition, raped the overseas Japanese in the town of Jinan, Japanese army marched and slaughtered Chinese soldiers and people as many as 6,000. This is later called the Jinan Incident. Japanese army seized Jinan and was not retreated until the signature of negotiation next year. Chiang Kai-shek had considered this incident as the upmost of the shames in his life. This incident crushed the mutual trust between the two countries, and had left extremely bad influences for future Wars and anti-Japanese emotions. For details you may refer to our research finding: Huang Fu-ching, "China's Image of Japan: A Note of Tai Chi-Tao's on Japan"".
May 4th Moverment

5月04日 May 4th Moverment

May 4, 1919, due to the unfair decision in the Paris Peace Conference to pass the interests of Shandong from Germany to Japan, young students in Beijing and other people gathered for a patriot movement. This event is later called as "May Fourth Movement". In this movement, Chinese intellectuals also reflected traditional Chinese culture, and broadcasting to save the country with Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science. This movement influence future China greatly and broadly. CCP's launch has also deep relations with it. For detail you may refer to records of a special speech issued in our Bulletin: Chang Hao, "May Fourth and the Communist Revolution: The Radicalization of Modern Chinese Thought".
The site Sun Yat-sen took up the position of President in the abnormal circumstance

5月05日 The site Sun Yat-sen took up the position of President in the abnormal circumstance

May 5, 1921, Sun Yat-sen was elected President in the abnormal circumstance, so as to be against the government in Beijing. Despite this authority was unstable, and came to an end soon because of the attacks of Chen Jiongming. This is still an unforgettable period in ROC history. For details you may refer to what Mr. Fu Bingchang, who participated in the secretariat affairs in the Presidential office, memorized: Records of interviews with Mr. Fu Bingchang.
US women won suffrage after a process of fighting

5月06日 US women won suffrage after a process of fighting

May 6, 1920, women's group in Shanghai organized League of Chinese Women's Suffrage. This group's theme is to seek for women's political right. Despite it was dismissed soon afterwards, the ideas of equal rights between two genders had become an unstoppable trend in the modern history. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chang Yu-fa, "Transformation of Chinese Women's Suffrage in the Upper Half of Twentieth Century China", in Lu Fang-shang ed., Voices amid Silence (I): Women and the Nation in Modern China (1600-1950).
Patriotic Fan on anti-21 Demands

5月07日 Patriotic Fan on anti-21 Demands

May 7, 1915, China was given an ultimatum from Japan, whether or not accept the "Twentiy-one Demands". At that time the Great Powers were all involved in the European Wars and thus had no room to care about East Asia. After 4 months' negotiation, China was forced to accept. This result made the whole China furious, and called the "National Shame of May 7". It also casted great variables to domestic politics in Early Republican China as well as the balance of power in East Asia. For details you may refer to our research finding: Lee Yu-shu, Sino-Japanese Negotiation over Twenty-one Demands.
Wu Youru had painted to record German Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich of Prussia's visit in 1880 before being involved in the Dianshizhai Pictorial Newspaper

5月08日 Wu Youru had painted to record German Prince Albert Wilhelm Heinrich of Prussia's visit in 1880 before being involved in the Dianshizhai Pictorial Newspaper

May 8, 1884, British merchant Major first issued the Dianshizhai Pictorial Newspaper, sent along with Shenbao, every ten days. Under the leading of famous painters such as Wu Youru, Dianshizhai Pictorial Newspaper contributed greatly to the enlightenment of late Qing Chinese people. For details you may refer to our research finding: Wang Erh-min, "The Illustrated Form of News for the Diffusion of the Modern World Knowaledge in the Nineteenth Century China: The Tien-Shih-Chai Pictural Newspaper, 1884-1900".
Tablet for Forbidding Drowning Female Babies Forever in late Qing Fujian

5月09日 Tablet for Forbidding Drowning Female Babies Forever in late Qing Fujian

May 9, 1930, according to a demographics, female population was 2.5 million less than male in Zhejiang. This is believed to be a result of the bad custom of drowning female babies. Drowning female babies is a notorious Chinese traditional custom. However, this happens under a restricted socio-economic situation, and its cultural meaning also deserved exploration. For details, you may refer to our publication: Lin Li-yueh, "Customs and Sin: The Records and cultural implications about drowning female babies in the Ming Dynasty", in Yu Chien-ming ed. Voices amid Silence (II): Women and the Society in Modern China (1600-1950).
Customs of the Liuqiu people

5月10日 Customs of the Liuqiu people

May 10, 1879, Zonli yamen protested Japan's annexation of the Liuqiu Kingdom. Liuqiu had been China's tributary country since the early Ming. Despite in 1609 it was conquered and from then on controlled by Satsuma, Liuqiu maintained its loyalty to China. Since the Western powers got in East Asia, Great Powers coveted Liuqiu's position, and even proposed to whack it with China. However, China always refused and took efforts to sustain Liuqiu's Royal House. Regarding Qing's attitude toward Liuqiu, you may refer to our research finding: Chang Tsun-wu, "China's Reponse toward the Western Encroachment on Liu-chiu(Okinawa), 1840-1860".
Tabacco sold by the Hui Merchants

5月11日 Tabacco sold by the Hui Merchants

May 11, 1902, Anhui Commercial Bureau signed a contract with British merchants to cooperatively excavate mines in the Huizhou area. Huizhou merchants had been active in Ming-Qing China. Their activities are important in economic, social, cultural, and medical history. Regarding their commercial culture, you may refer to our Bulletin: Feng Yuejian, "The Pawnshops of Eighteenth-Century Huizhou Merchants: The Pawnshops of the Wu Family from Mingzhou, Xiuning".
Nightingale established the personality model for nurses

5月12日 Nightingale established the personality model for nurses

In 1912, International Council of Nurses decided to make Nightingale's birthday May 12 as the International Nurses' Day to mark her contributions. In China, the establishment of the nursery profession was also a result of countless people's devotions. Regarding its difficulties in the early stage, you may refer to our oral history: Interviews with Ms. Chou Mei-yu.
Chinese working in the Australian gold mine

5月13日 Chinese working in the Australian gold mine

May 13, 1941, China and Australia for the first time exchange embassy. Australia is one of the overseas Chinese's residence in the nineteenth century. The rich golden mine here attracted many Chinese to come over; and Kuomintang has established a spot here long ago. This is an important part of the overseas Chinese history. For details you may refer to our oral history: The Reminiscences of Charles Cheng-che Lee.
Sarcastic Cartoon on League of Nations

5月14日 Sarcastic Cartoon on League of Nations

May 14, 1938, League of Nations passed a resolution to reclaim supporting China under Japanese military threats. Leagues of Nations in fact had no power to counteract great powers, however, it still provided substantial contributions to China regarding economic and medical projects. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chang Li, International Cooperation in China: A Study of the Role of the League of Nations, 1919-1946.
Inukai Tsuyoshi's leisurely drawing of his friends' bath

5月15日 Inukai Tsuyoshi's leisurely drawing of his friends' bath

May 15, 1932, Tokyo's Navy young officers assaulted Primary Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi and killed him. This is later called the May 15 Incident. Inukai is Sun Yat-sen's close Japanese friend and had deep friendship with China. However, because he was to cline to peacefully settle the consequences of the September 18 Incident, fundamentalists of the soldiers hated him and assassinated him. From then on the Eagle Wing was even stronger in Japan, and eventually led to Great war. Regarding Inukai and Sun Yat-sen's relationship, you may refer to our research finding: Huang Tzu-chin, "Inukai Tsuyoshi and Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary Movement-A Discussion on the Motivation behind Tsuyoshi's Assistance".
In the Main Hall of Xue Fucheng's Residence there is Zeng Guofan's calligraphy

5月16日 In the Main Hall of Xue Fucheng's Residence there is Zeng Guofan's calligraphy

May 16, Xue Fucheng states his opinions echoing to the demands of Imperial Decrees. He proposed 6 strategies for governing the states, and 10 discussions on marine defenses. Xue is one of the most important thinker and practitioners of the late Qing statecrafts. Regarding this trend of thoughts, you may refer to our digital database "Qing-era Statecrafts Collections".
The Customs of Aboriginals in Taiwan in the Qing Period: Hunging Deer

5月17日 The Customs of Aboriginals in Taiwan in the Qing Period: Hunging Deer

May 17, 1875, Shen Baozhen, who was given the mission to tidy up Taiwan's marine defense, reported to the court regarding how to pacify the aboriginals and developing the mountain areas. After the Mudan Incident, Shen recognized the links between the aboriginal governing and marine defense, thus he positively paid energies on this issue. In fact, before it there had been over one century's history for immigrant Chinese and aboriginals to communicate, especially about issue of the land's rights. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chen Chiu-kun, Taiwan’s Aboriginal Proprietary Rights in the Ch’ing Period: Bureaucracy, Han Tenants and the Transformation of Property Rights of the Anli Tribe, 1700-1895.
Advertisement appealing using national goods

5月18日 Advertisement appealing using national goods

May 18, 1915, Department of Agriculture & Commerce proposed to held Fairs for national goods. one of the important reasons to held Expo or fairs is to promote goods. Due to the import of foreign merchandise, the domestic products lost the market. The deficiency of international balance caused by this reason might not be less than the opium trade. Furthermore, the bankruptcy due to the domestic industries' failure caused social problems. Therefore promoting private industries was an essential issue for the late Qing and early Republican China. For details you may refer to our research finding: Chang Yu-fa, "Private Industries in the Late Ch'ing and the Early Republic of China,1860-1916".
CCP Northeast field soldiers in fierce battle

5月19日 CCP Northeast field soldiers in fierce battle

May 19, 1946, CCP general Lin Biao was defeated and retreated from the Siping battlefield. This is the first fight in the "Four battles in Siping", and also one of the few victories of the nationalist army in the post-WWII civil war. After the fall of Manchuria, CCP army advanced really soon to conquer the south. This prooves the control over Manchuria was essential in the civil war. Regarding the situation when KMT abandoned Manchuria, you may refer to the memories of a Manchuria civil officer at that time: Records of Interviews with Mr. Zhang Shilun interviewed by the institute.
Bank of Taiwan once encountered emergency in 1927

5月20日 Bank of Taiwan once encountered emergency in 1927

May 20, 1946, Nationalist government approved Bank of Taiwan to resume its business. It is commonly known that Bank of Taiwan played an important role in today's Taiwan finance. However, in fact in the Japanese occupation, the bank already occupied a certain position in the East Asian economy at that time. For details you may refer to our research finding: Lin Man-houng, "The Change in Economic Relations between Japanese Colonial Taiwan and Hong Kong - A Chapter in the Structural Change in the Relationship between Asia and the World".
Coin of Republic of Formosa

5月21日 Coin of Republic of Formosa

May 21, 1895, Taiwan's gentlemen and people decided to establish an independent republic, and soon announced to countries in the world. Four days later, Republic of Formosa was formally born. Soon later Japan seized Taiwan with military power. After a long term colonization, Japanese was astonished to find out that the Taiwanese people was not assimilated to Japan to the least bit. This phenomenon is related to the issue of identity and worth deep explorations. For details you may refer to our conference paper: Yin Chang-i, "The Formation and Development of the 'Taiwan identity'-- From the Aspect of History", collected in Collected Articles from the Conference “Identity and the State: A Comparison of China and the West in Modern Period”.
The formal letter from Edwin H. Conger, US Embassy in China, to China's Ministry of Diplomacy on the case of Subao.

5月22日 The formal letter from Edwin H. Conger, US Embassy in China, to China's Ministry of Diplomacy on the case of Subao.

May 22, 1904, the lawsuit of Subao was judged: Zou Rong was sentenced to be prisoned for 2 years; Zhang Binglin for 3 years. The case of Subao was an important political lawsuit broken up in 1903. Its contexts is the conflicts between constitutionalism against revolution. Because it was sentenced in Shanghai, it became involved with the standpoints of Britain and US. This is an event calling broad attention before the 1912 revolution. For detail, you may refer to our publication: Chi Ping-feng, The Controversies between Revolutionists and Constitutionalists in the Late Ch’ing Period.
Sengge Rinchen in Hunting

5月23日 Sengge Rinchen in Hunting

May 23, 1865, due to the death of Sengge Rinchen, the Beijing area fell in panic. The court urgently ordered Zeng Guofan to supervise military affairs in Shandong to pacify the Nian rebellion, and switch Li Hongzhang to govern the lower Yangtzu area. Sengge Rinchen was a Mongolian prince. He achieved success in the Taiping Rebellion and Second Opium Wars. He was the last famous Manchu-Mongolian general in the Qing dynasty. After his death, the major military power totally switch to the Han people. This is a turning point in the modern military history. For details you may refer to our research finding: Liu Feng-han, "Late Qing Self-strengthening movement and early military reform, 1861-1895", in Collected Articles from the Conference on the Self-Strengthening Movement in the Late Qing.
Spanish Silver Coin threw influences on Chinese monetary institution

5月24日 Spanish Silver Coin threw influences on Chinese monetary institution

May 24, 1910, the monetary regulation was issued. The unit was decided to be 'yuan'. since the Mid-Qing period, monetary issue became a serious problem to China. It not only caused Opium War in the foreign affairs, but also brought about unease in the society in the domestic term. Intellectuals of the time were concerned and discussed the problem. For the details of local factors, you may refer to our research finding: Lin Man-houng "Social Theories Revealed: The Statecraft Controversies over China's Monetary Crisis, 1808-1850".
Anti-Japanese poster by KMT

5月25日 Anti-Japanese poster by KMT

May 25, 1926, Chief of Propaganda of KMT, Mao Zedong, resigned. In the beginning KMT did not pay attentions to propaganda. It was after Soviet consultant's repeated suggestions, KMT started the business. Many of the methods KMT learned from CCP. Propaganda is one of the important activities of modern political party. Regarding KMT's propaganda, you may refer to the institute's oral history for Mr. Dengjia yan, who served as chief of Propaganda of KMT: Records of Interviews with Mr. Deng Jiayan.
News illustration on anti-US products in Canton

5月26日 News illustration on anti-US products in Canton

May 26, 1905, Gentlemen and merchants united for anti-US products because of the US expulsion policy against Chinese workers. Anti foreign goods movement is a newly risen collective activities in the modern period, which meant much to nationalism and domestic industries. The 1905 anti-US movement served as a milestone of such activities. For details you may refer to our Bulletin: Wong Sin Kiong, "Overseas Chinese and Modern China:New Perspectives on the 1905 Anti-American Movement"


Last amended :2014/05/14