中国安全保障レポート 中国安全保障レポート 中国の安全保障政策や軍事動向に対する国際社会の関心が高まっています。日本においても中国の軍事的・経済的な台頭が我が国の安全保障に多大な影響を与えるとの認識が広まっています。中国はすで.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.11.24
Cultural Revolution Campaigns (1966-1976) Cultural Revolution Campaigns (1966-1976) Criticize the old world and build a new world with Mao Zedong Thought as a weapon, 1966 The Cultural Revolution (文化大革命, Wenhua Dageming, 1966-1976) was a mass campaign of enormous dimensions. Aside from the general revolutionary high-tide that swept China, the period was marked by a large number of sub-campaigns. Indeed, whene.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.11.06
China needs more people like Edgar Snow: opinion China needs more people like Edgar Snow: opinionBy Ma Danning (People's Daily Online) 13:55, October 12, 2016 Edgar Parks Snow (1905 –1972), file photo. As someone who works in media, I have always been aware of American journalist and author Edgar Parks Snow (1905 –1972). He is the first Westerner to meet Mao Zedong and other Chinese Communist leaders in 1936. Out .. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.10.13
China hopes ROK to rationally handle fishing boat issue China hopes ROK to rationally handle fishing boat issue (CRI Online) 10:08, October 13, 2016 AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to 이메일Share to 인쇄Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to Sina WeiboShare to LinkedInShare to Google+Share to RedditShare to Pinterest Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang answers questions during a regular press conference in Beijing on.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.10.13
中国人は幸せか? 不幸せか? 中国人は幸せか? 不幸せか?チャイナドリームの行方Wedge Infinite 中村繁夫 (アドバンスト マテリアル ジャパン社長) »著者プロフィール 中村繁夫 (なかむら・しげお) アドバンスト マテリアル ジャパン社長 1947年生まれ。レアメタル専門商社・アドバ.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.09.30
중국은 적인가, 친구인가 집중기획 | 중국은 적인가, 친구인가 中 막무가내 애국주의 韓 정서엔 ‘꼴통’ 한국인-중국인 ‘정체성 케미’ 분석 홍순도 | 아시아투데이 베이징 특파원 신동아 2016년 09월호 글씨 크기가가가가가배경 색상흰색가나다옅은회색가나다진한회색가나다검정색가나다읽기 설정.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.09.23
外国人の目から見た中国の病院での診察とは? 外国人の目から見た中国の病院での診察とは? 人民網日本語版 2016年07月06日13:09 中国では「病院で診察するのは大変」というのが多くの人の悩みとなっている。しかし、中国で暮らす外国人十数人を取材した結果、外国人は中国の医療環境.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.07.08
Made in China: How did ancient China shape our world?(2) Made in China: How did ancient China shape our world?(2) BBC While Europe was in its so called Dark Ages, China - the oldest surviving civilisation in the world - was a powerhouse of scientific innovation. What do you have to thank this age of discovery for? Play the quiz to test your knowledge. <div class="error-default"> <h1>This content requires Javascript to be.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.02.23
Made in China: How did ancient China shape our world?(1) Made in China: How did ancient China shape our world? (아래 '선비들 사진'은 한국 어디에서 찍은 것 같다. BBC가 혹시 착각한 것 아닐까?) BBC While Europe was in its so called 'dark ages', China - the oldest surviving civilization in the world - was a powerhouse of scientific innovation. What do you have to thank this age of discovery for? Play the quiz.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2016.02.18
米中対立、南シナ海は誰のものか 米中対立、南シナ海は誰のものかアジアの海における中国の拡張主義に対して アメリカは遂にイージス駆逐艦を派遣した……2015.11.05 Newsweek 日本版 南シナ海 南シナ海問題、国際仲裁手続きへ 中国は反発ハーグの常設仲裁裁判所が、フィリ.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.12.20