世界で後退する民主主義 - Newsweek 日本語版 政治体制 世界で後退する民主主義 Doubting Democracy 民主化が繁栄につながる時代は終わったのか。新興民主主義が次々機能不全に陥るなか、独裁体制の中国独り勝ちの皮肉 2014年6月17日(火)15時58分,Newsweek 日本語版 ウィリアム・ドブソン(スレー.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
특집] 중국의 세계전략과 한반도 특집] 중국의 세계전략과 한반도 [박창희 | 국방대학교 군사전략학부 부교수] 시대정신, 2014년 봄호 Ⅰ. 서론 시진핑(習近平) 체제 하에서 중국이 추구하고 있는 국가목표와 세계전략은 무엇인가? 최근 변화하고 있는 중국의 대외정책은 동북아 지역질서와 한반도 안정에 어떠한 영향을 .. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
두두차이나의 중국을 여는 창 조선 Video undefined 글로벌 > 두두차이나의 중국을 여는 창 [두두차이나의 중국을 여는 창(125)]안마사 부르기도 인터넷으로하는 중국2015.07.27 (월) 중식안마 O2O서비스 플랫폼인 화퉈쟈따오(华佗驾到)가 최근 1000만 달러의 시리즈 A투자를 받았다. 이번 투자는 치엔허 캐피탈(千合.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
「自信なき大国」中国の未来 - Newsweek, 日本版 「自信なき大国」中国の未来 Unconfident Great Power 天安門事件から25年。国内では民主派や少数民族を弾圧し、国外では領海問題で周辺諸国を威嚇する──アメリカに亡命した民主活動家が語る中国の「不安感」とその行く末 2014年6月4日.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
米国の覇権はアジアに安全をもたらさない - 人民網日本語版 米国の覇権はアジアに安全をもたらさない 人民網日本語版 2014年06月03日13:15 米国のヘーゲル国防長官は5月31日、シンガポールで開かれたアジア安全保障会議で講演した際、米国のアジア太平洋回帰戦略を弁護し、米日安保条約の釣魚島(.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
1989년 천안문 사태 생생한 현장사진들 Somebody Is Tweeting A Minute-By-Minute Account Of Tiananmen Square, And It's Gripping Erin Fuchs Jun. 3, 2014, 5:37 PM, Business Insider An expert on China is tweeting an absolutely gripping, minute-by-minute account of the bloody Tiananmen Square protests that erupted 25 years ago in the heart of Beijing. The pro-democracy protests, led mostly by unarmed students, lasted week.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
Remembering and Forgetting June 4, 1989 Remembering and Forgetting June 4, 1989 by Paul Levine June 2014, American Diplomacy June 4, is the 25th anniversary of two events that changed the postmodern world. In Poland, citizens voted in the first free elections since the establishment of the Polish People's Republic in 1952. After a year of mounting protests and strikes the Communist regime reluctantly agreed to parti.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.16
Chinese Prosperity Doesn’t Bring Democracy Chinese Prosperity Doesn’t Bring Democracy Winter, 2014, NPQ Fang Li-Zhi, a dissident physicist widely regarded as “China’s Sakharov” and the mentor to the student protestors at Tiananmen Square in 1989, lived in exile in the United States, where he taught at the University of Arizona until he died in 2012. Before he was expelled from China, he spent over a year in prot.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.16
How China Will Inhabit Its Future How China Will Inhabit Its Future Spring, 2014, NPQ Rem Koolhaas is the Pritzker Prize winning architect of such buildings as the CCTV tower in Beijing and an urban theorist whose books include “S, M, L, XL” and “Delirious New York.” He spoke with NPQ editor Nathan Gardels recently about China’s urban future. NPQ | To keep its high rate of growth going, the Chinese go.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.16
FALUNGONG PERSECUTION(파륜궁 박해 상보) FALUNGONG PERSECUTION Fa Lung Gong, a vocal force against the totalitarian regime of Chinese communists, had fared better than the democracy activists for its grassroots movement and financial resources. Ultimately, the fight against the communists will be a financial contest. The success of a protracted and sustaining struggle against a deep-pocket fascist communist regime dep.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.16