中日甲午戦争120周年の啓示 戦争能力を備えて初めて戦争は阻止できる 中日甲午戦争120周年の啓示 戦争能力を備えて初めて戦争は阻止できる 人民網日本語版 2014年07月25日15:18 中日甲午戦争(日清戦争)は日本帝国主義が発動した侵略戦争であり、1894年7月25日の豊島沖海戦によって火蓋が切.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
韓国は習近平が語った「中国の夢」に取り込まれてはならない- 김영희기자 아사히신문 투고 칼럼 Young-hie Kim ファンになる キム・ヨンヒ 韓国・中央日報コラムニスト 韓国は習近平が語った「中国の夢」に取り込まれてはならない 投稿日: 2014年07月16日 19時10分 JST 更新: 2014年07月16日 19時10分 JST 中国の習近平主席が、北朝鮮より先に韓国を訪問した狙.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
BRICSの発展を西側は「ゼロサム」と見るべきではない BRICSの発展を西側は「ゼロサム」と見るべきではない 人民網日本語版 2014年07月16日11:01 現代世界を見渡すと、新興経済国がいっせいに発展しつつある壮大な光景が見られる。なかでもBRICSと呼ばれる新興5カ国(ブラジル、ロシア、インド、中国、南.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
중국인이 말하는 중국 undefined 글로벌 > 중국인이 말하는 중국 [차이나탄과 함께 하는 당중중]中 초등 6년을 4~5년에 마치는 이유2015.09.23 (수) 예로부터 교육은 인재를 육성하고, 한 나라의 미래를 밝히는데 큰 공헌을 하였다. 중국의 교육은 우리나라와 큰 차이가 없이, 중학 과정까지를 의무교육으로 두고 있.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
All aboard: China's railway dream - 중국 철도교통 발전사 - BBC All aboard: China's railway dream 15 July 2014 Last updated at 00:04 , BBC Article written by Carrie Gracie BBC China editor At Asia's biggest rail cargo base in Chengdu in south-west China, the cranes are hard at work, swinging containers from trucks onto a freight train. The containers are filled with computers, clothes, even cars. Until last year, all of it would have first.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
Korea and China’s Clashing Histories Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons Korea and China’s Clashing Histories While China and South Korea denounce Japan’s history, they have their own conflicting historical narratives. By Yong Kwon for The Diplomat The Diplomat July 11, 2014 Beijing’s dual focus on emphasizing Japanese atrocities during WWII and memorializing Korea’s anti-colonial struggle against Japan has b.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
How Much Will China’s GDP Continue to Grow? Image Credit: China factory via BartlomiejMagierowski / Shutterstock.com How Much Will China’s GDP Continue to Grow? Measuring the country’s true output remains problematic, but some reasonable hypotheses can be made. By Sara Hsu for The Diplomat The Diplomat July 15, 2014 China’s economy appears to be slowing to some extent: the frothy investment in factory expansion an.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
The Geopolitics of Sino-Russian Rapprochement Image Credit: Presidential Press and Information Office, Kremlin The Geopolitics of Sino-Russian Rapprochement As Beijing and Moscow make nice, how should Washington respond? By Peter Harris for The Diplomat The Diplomat July 11, 2014 Is a Sino-Russian alliance in the offing? Some analysts answer this question in the affirmative, pointing to Beijing and Moscow’s signing of a.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17
China and Strategic Imbalance China and Strategic Imbalance ‘This is the decade of power transitions in Asia.’ By Mohan Malik for The Diplomat The Diplomat July 14, 2014 The recent Shangri-la meeting in Singapore saw some sharp exchanges between Chinese and other participants. Beijing’s deployment of an oil rig protected by more than 80 naval vessels in the South China Sea four days after President Ba.. 中國, 韓.中關係 2015.10.17