學術, 敎育 704

Burdened by Books - Teaching Camus amid fears of “futile and hopeless labor”

Burdened by Books Teaching Camus amid fears of “futile and hopeless labor” Beth Scupham Robert Zaretsky , The Baffler December 21, 2021 With the quickening cascade of political, social, and natural crises in our country, the faith in progress—the belief that good will and steady work leads to a better world—is a difficult faith to maintain. There have been times when the arc of history seemed to..

學術, 敎育 2021.12.26

세계 역사에서 일어나는 중대한 혼란은 분명한 패턴을 따른다. 과거의 격변이 우리의 미래에 무엇을 말해줄 수 있을까?

A riot on Nevsky Prospekt in Petrograd (St Petersburg) on 17 July 1917 after troops of the provisional government opened fire; this unrest was a precursor to the October revolution. Photo by Viktor Bulla/Public domain How disruptions happen Major disruptions in world history follow a clear pattern. What can upheavals of the past tell us about our own future? by David Potter + BIO AEON, 23 Decemb..

學術, 敎育 2021.12.24