日本, 韓.日 關係 1163

Political leaders in Japan and the ROK should highlight the importance of bilateral cooperation

Political leaders in Japan and the ROK should highlight the importance of bilateral cooperation Junya Nishino JIIA(日本國際問題硏究所) 15 May 2015 Japan and the ROK need to make active use of political and diplomatic channels to restore mutual trust, and deepen strategic dialogue in order to better understand each other's foreign and security policies. The political l..


第3回日韓ダイアローグ ~メディアの『視覚』が映す日韓の相互イメージ~ 오른쪽 각 항목을 클릭하면 全文이 나옴 1. はしがき・目次 2. プログラム・参加者リスト 3. 発表およびディスカッション 要旨 4. 発表資料 5. 議事録 6. [日本語全文] 6. [韓&#22..