뉴스 섞인 사진과 글 339

「最高の国」ランキング、日本2位, (한국 15위, 중국 17위, 러시아 24위) 起業家精神は1位 米誌

「最高の国(Best Countries)」ランキング、日本2位 起業家精神は1位 米誌 Newsphere Apr 22 2021 Sean Pavone / Shutterstock.com 2021年版「最高の国レポート」において、日本は総合スコアで99.1点を獲得し、総合ランクで首位カナダに次ぐ2位となった。昨年の3位から1ランク上昇した。カテゴリ別では、文化的影響力が世界5位と評価されたほか、起業家精神が世界トップとなっている。同ランキングはUSニューズ&ワールド・レポート誌が毎年選定しているもので、今年で6回目を数える。 ◆78ヶ国中2位に ランキングは世界的な影響力を明らかにするもので、ハード面のみならず総合的な指標で各国の価値を分析することを目的とし、78ヶ国を対象に順位づけが行われた。総合ランキングのトップ10は次のようになった。欧米諸国が並ぶなか、日本はアジアから唯..

Prince Philip’s death reminds us that the future of the monarchy is far from assured

Prince Philip’s death reminds us that the future of the monarchy is far from assured The Duke was a skilled practitioner with a devotion to public service. His passing leaves a cherished institution more exposed than ever By Alexander Larman Prospect April 9, 2021 Image: Michael Dunlea / Alamy Stock Photo The Duke of Edinburgh has died at the age of 99. The man who has been synonymous for decade..


The LG V30. Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge LG HAD FEW SMARTPHONE HITS, BUT IT’LL STILL BE MISSED The US smartphone market just got more boring By Sam Byford@345triangle The Verge Apr 5, 2021 If you’re reading this on a phone, chances are, LG didn’t make it. The Korean tech giant has been losing money and market share with its smartphone division for years, so it wasn’t a surprise wh..

More ships to the rescue as skyscraper-size vessel Ever Given halts traffic in Suez Canal

More ships to the rescue as skyscraper-size vessel Ever Given halts traffic in Suez Canal John Bacon March 28, 2021 USA TODAY The crisis in the Suez Canal stretched into day six Sunday with little hope that a massive, grounded ship blocking transit through the vital passage will be moved soon. Eleven tugs worked all day and night Saturday alongside the ongoing dredging operations that are removi..

A Single Mom. A Newlywed. A Veteran. These Are the Victims of the Atlanta Shootings

A Single Mom. A Newlywed. A Veteran. These Are the Victims of the Atlanta Shootings Hyun Jung Grant; Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez GoFundMe; Kennesaw Police Department/Facebook (3) BY MELISSA CHAN AND MADELEINE CARLISLE TIME MARCH 19, 2021 5:01 PM EDT Hyun Jung Grant, 51, toiled at Atlanta’s Gold Spa to keep food on the table for her two sons. But the single mothe..

Song Yoo-jung, South Korean actress from 'Make a Wish' and 'Golden Rainbow,' dies at 26

Song Yoo-jung, South Korean actress from 'Make a Wish' and 'Golden Rainbow,' dies at 26 Charles Trepany, USA TODAY Published 9:59 p.m. ET Jan. 25, 2021 Song Yoo-jung, a South Korean actress, has died, her agency announced on social media. She was 26. Sublime Artist Agency, which represented Song, confirmed the news on Instagram Monday. According to the agency's statement, written in Korean, the ..

WHO、コロナ欧州起源説に否定的見解 「武漢での調査必要」

WHO、コロナ欧州起源説に否定的見解 「武漢での調査必要」 毎日新聞 2020年11月28日 10時35分(最終更新 11月28日 10時35分) 世界保健機関(WHO)で緊急事態対応を統括するライアン氏は27日の記者会見で、新型コロナウイルスが昨年12月から中国湖北省武漢市で大規模に流行する前に、既に欧州などで発生していたのではないかとの説について「中国が起源ではないというのは、かなり不確かな臆測にすぎない」と、否定的な見解を示した。 ライアン氏は「公衆衛生上の観点からはっきりしているのは、最初に人への感染が起きた場所で調査を始めることだ」と述べ、起源を突き止めるためにも、武漢での調査が必要だと強調。しないまま中国外が起源との仮説を立てるのは「最善の策とは言えない」と言明した。(共同)

"중앙박물관 '가야전' 일제식민사관 가져와"

배현진 "중앙박물관 '가야전' 일제식민사관 가져와" [중앙일보] 입력 2020.10.19 22:16 배재성 기자 질의하는 국민의힘 배현진 의원. 뉴스1 문재인 정부가 100대 국정과제로 추진한 가야사(史) 복원 목적으로 국립중앙박물관에서 열린 '가야본성 칼과 현' 전시가 임나일본부설을 인정하는 일제 식민사관을 따른 것이라는 주장이 제기됐다. 국회 문화체육관광위원회 소속인 배현진 국민의힘 의원은 19일 국회에서 진행된 국립중앙박물관 국정감사에서 이렇게 주장했고, 박물관 측은 사실이 아니라고 일축했다. 배 의원은 "임나일본부설에 바탕을 둔 이 전시를 보고 (관련) 전문가들이 발칵 뒤집혔다"면서 "전시에서 문제가 됐던 가야 연대표를 보면 '(삼국)유사', '(삼국)사기', '(일본)서기' 등을 인용했다고 한다..

South Korea's digital gov't ranked as world's best; Britain, Japan in top 5

South Korea's digital gov't ranked as world's best; Britain, Japan in top 5 By Thomas Maresca UPI Oct. 16, 2020 The South Korean national flag is seen hanging on a government complex building in Seoul. File Photo by Kim Hee-Chui/EPA-EFE SEOUL, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- South Korea ranked first among 33 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Digital Government Index, a su..