뉴스 섞인 사진과 글 339

Why do some East Asian Parents expect so much from their kids?

BBC Is Nora from Queens a 'loser'?: Children of Chinese immigrants on high parental expectations Like the lead character in Awkwafina is Nora from Queens, these children of East Asian immigrants didn't follow their parents' preferred path in life Elaine Chong BBC 30 October 2021 Fans of Awkwafina is Nora from Queens will be familiar with the main character Nora’s attempts at various jobs, from a..

Roh Tae-Woo, South Korean Leader as It Moved Toward Democracy, Dies at 88

Roh Tae-Woo, South Korean Leader as It Moved Toward Democracy, Dies at 88 Mr. Roh, who played a role in a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in 1980 but also oversaw its winning 1988 Olympics bid, left a mixed legacy and was mired in legal trouble in his later years. Roh Tae-Woo, a former South Korean president, speaks at his inauguration ceremony on Feb. 25, 1988, in Seoul.Credit...As..

韓国が国産ロケット初打ち上げ 軌道に乗せられず

韓国が国産ロケット初打ち上げ 軌道に乗せられず 桜井 紀雄 産經新聞 2021/10/21 20:01 韓国・高興の羅老宇宙センターから打ち上げられた韓国の国産ロケット「ヌリ号」=21日(韓国取材団・共同) 【ソウル=桜井紀雄】韓国が独自開発した国産ロケット「ヌリ号」が21日午後5時、南部、高興(コフン)の羅老(ナロ)宇宙センターから初めて打ち上げられた。ロケットは高度約700キロまで達して衛星を分離したが、目標通りに衛星を軌道に乗せることには失敗した。 文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)大統領は同センターで打ち上げを視察後、会見で「目標に完全には達せられなかったが、最初の打ち上げとしては立派な成果を収めた」と強調した。 来年5月に次回の打ち上げが予定されており、韓国は衛星投入の成功を目指す。実用化に向けて2027年までさらに4回の試験発射を重ねる計画だ。 韓国は、1トン以上の実用衛星を自前で打..

Afghanistan Crisis Reignites South Korea’s Refugee Debate

Afghanistan Crisis Reignites South Korea’s Refugee Debate As South Korea admits Afghans as “special contributors,” the country remains divided over refugees. By Seoho Lee and Natalia Slavney The Diplomat October 02, 2021 Afghans, who worked for South Korea-run facilities in Afghanistan, and their family members wait to board a bus after they arrived at the Incheon International Airport, South Ko..

Jesus Was the First Communist, Russian Party Leader Says

Russian Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov. Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov's comments are a far cry from the state atheism of the Soviet Union. The Moscow Times September 2, 2021 The world's first communist was none other than Jesus Christ, the head of Russia’s Communist Party has said. “Put Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism next to each othe..


韓国で増え続けるコロナ廃業の悪夢 明洞や梨泰院、江南など繁華街で増える空き店舗が示すこと 田中 美蘭 JB Press 2021.5.13(木) 閑古鳥が鳴くソウル・明洞 ギャラリーページへ 新型コロナの世界的な感染拡大が始まって1年が過ぎた。当初は「数カ月以内には」「年内には」など収束を楽観視する声が多く聞かれたが、韓国の感染者数は現在進行系で増え続けている。 ワクチン接種についても、アストラゼネカ製ワクチンの副反応を巡る問題やワクチン確保の問題に直面しており、政府が当初、掲げていた「秋まで集団免疫を獲得する」という目標も、もはや絶望的という見方が広まっている。 その中で、ジワリジワリと感じられるのが経済の悪化による廃業ラッシュだ。筆者の身近でも感じられるようになっている。 ソウルの繁華街、明洞の空き店舗率が60%に 5月8日の朝鮮日報に衝撃的な記事が掲載された。ソウルの繁華街・明洞..

South Korea to build world's largest floating offshore wind farm

South Korea to build world's largest floating offshore wind farm By Thomas Maresca UPI World News May 7, 2021 / 5:47 AM President Moon Jae-in said Thursday that South Korea would invest $32 billion to create the world's largest floating wind farm off the coast of the southeastern city of Ulsan. Photo by Yonhap SEOUL, May 7 (UPI) -- ​South Korea plans to invest $32 billion to build the world's la..

Bill and Melinda Gates Are Divorcing After 27 Years of Marriage

Bill and Melinda Gates Are Divorcing After 27 Years of Marriage The announcement raises questions about the fate of their fortune. The couple helped create the Giving Pledge, but much of his Microsoft money has not yet been donated. Bill and Melinda Gates in 2018. They “no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives,” they said in a statement.Credit...Ludovic ..

‘김일성 회고록’ 출간 논란에…北 “언론·출판 자유도 없나”

‘김일성 회고록’ 출간 논란에…北 “언론·출판 자유도 없나” 김진하 동아닷컴 기자 동아일보 2021-05-03 최근 김일성 회고록 ‘세기와 더불어’가 국내에 출간돼 이적표현물 논란이 일고 있는데 대해 북한이 “히스테리적인 대결 광기”, “비열한 책동”이라며 비난했다. 북한의 대외 선전매체 ‘우리민족끼리’는 3일 “남조선에서 위대한 수령님의 회고록이 출판돼 파문을 일으키고 있다”면서 “상식을 초월하는 비정상적인 사태들이 빚어지고 있다”고 주장했다. 이어 “남조선 법조계와 보수 언론들은 ‘보안법 위반’, ‘이적물’ 등으로 고아대며 히스테리적 대결 광기를 부리고 있다”며 “남조선 당국자들 역시 해당 출판사에 대한 조사 놀음을 벌여놓고 회고록의 출판과 보급을 막아보려고 비열하게 책동하고 있다”고 쏘아붙였다. 그..

What The Hell Happened: BTS and McDonald’s Collaborate on the ‘BTS Meal’

What The Hell Happened: BTS and McDonald’s Collaborate on the ‘BTS Meal’ McDonald's announced the "BTS Meal" on April 19. By Courtesy of McDonald's By June K. Park, Contributing Writer Harvard Crimson April 23, 2021 Move over Travis Scott Burger, there’s a new collaboration in town. Who better to become the next face of a global, viral campaign than the insanely popular and talented K-pop powerh..