옛 記事를 읽는 재미 325


74%が反対「慰安婦少女像」の芸術祭展示問題アンケート結果発表あいちトリエンナーレ「表現の不自由展」中止騒動「週刊文春デジタル」編集部 2019/08/05 source : 週刊文春デジタル 「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」の「平和の少女像」 ©共同通信社この記事の画像(3枚)  8月1日から..

A Lot of What Is Known about Pirates Is Not True, and a Lot of What Is True Is Not Known

A Lot of What Is Known about Pirates Is Not True, and a Lot of What Is True Is Not Known The pirate next door. Mark G. Hanna HUMANITIES, Winter 2017, Volume 38, Number 1 Photo caption Howard Pyle / DoverPictura In 1701, in Middletown, New Jersey, Moses Butterworth languished in a jail, accused of piracy. Like many young men based in England or her colonies, he had joined a cre..

왜 많은 유명 작가들과 철학자들이 파시스트 또는 권위주의 정권에 매력을 느꼈을까?

FeatureThe Strange Politics of Gertrude Stein Was the den mother of modernism a fascist? Barbara Will HUMANITIES, March/April 2012, Volume 33, Number 2 Photo caption Stein in France with her longtime friend Bernard Faÿ. Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Why were so many prominent modernist writers and philosophers attracted to f..