뉴스 섞인 사진과 글 339

South Korea’s rapid coronavirus testing, far ahead of the U.S., could be saving lives

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“2차 대전 때도 못 봤던 풍경” 이탈리아 봉쇄가 바꾼 일상

“2차 대전 때도 못 봤던 풍경” 이탈리아 봉쇄가 바꾼 일상 최나실 기자 한국일보, 2020.03.11. 13:35 © 제공: 한국일보 10일 이탈리아 수도 로마의 한 우체국에 들른 시민들이 코로나19 예방을 위해 안전거리를 유지한 채 입장 순서를 기다리고 있다. 로마=AFP 연합뉴스 “제2차 세계대전 때 전..

BTS Member Suga and 'Parasite' Director Bong Joon Ho Donate More Than $164,000 to Coronavirus Prevention in Korea

NewsBTS Member Suga and 'Parasite' Director Bong Joon Ho Donate More Than $164,000 to Coronavirus Prevention in KoreaBy Soo Kim Newsweek On 2/28/20 at 12:14 PM EST #second_template { width: 737px } .ibt_player { position: fixed; z-index: -1 !important; visibility: hidden !important; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; width: 737px; height: 414px } #second_template .ibt_player .ibt_player..

A Silent Epidemic? Experts Fear the Coronavirus Is Spreading Undetected in Southeast Asia

A Silent Epidemic? Experts Fear the Coronavirus Is Spreading Undetected in Southeast Asia By Laignee Barron TIME, February 28, 2020 As coronavirus cases continue to soar globally, in at least one region a steady façade of optimism persists. Southeast Asia’s foreign ministers have joined hands with China and declared their intention to “stay strong!” Yet their hastily c..

How Italy succumbed to coronavirus(How Korea succumbed to coronavirus라 해도 되겠다)

How Italy succumbed to coronavirusThe government’s rash and patchy response has made matters worse. Dominic Standish Spiked, 27th February 2020 Italy now has the third highest number of positive cases of coronavirus (officially named Covid-19) in the world after China and South Korea. It is struggling to contain the spread of the virus and the number of confirmed cases is ris..